python-2.7 - 在命令行中不工作

标签 python-2.7 google-app-engine appcfg


> -A adept-box-109804 update app.yaml

“立即试用 Google App Engine”页面提供的内容不起作用。我已经下载了适用于 Python 的 App Engine SDK,并将 Path 设置为指向 的位置,但是在我的项目根目录中运行 在命令行中不起作用。我要么必须导航到包含 的文件夹并执行

>python help


>python "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine\" help

让命令在任何地方工作。我使用后一种方法来部署我的测试应用程序,但只是想知道是否有人可以解释为什么简单的 Google 教程给出的命令没有执行任何操作。我还检查以确保使用 Python 2.7 解释器自动打开 .py 文件,这样文件 将在命令行中通过简单地键入来执行


它会输出它的打印语句。另一方面,无论参数如何,以类似方式使用 都会得到相同的输出(请注意我截断了输出,但请放心,无论参数如何,它们都是相同的:

C:\> help backends
Usage: [options] <action>

Action must be one of:
  backends: Perform a backend action.
  backends configure: Reconfigure a backend without stopping it.
  backends delete: Delete a backend.
  backends list: List all backends configured for the app.
  backends rollback: Roll back an update of a backend.
  backends start: Start a backend.
  backends stop: Stop a backend.
  backends update: Update one or more backends.
  create_bulkloader_config: Create a bulkloader.yaml from a running application.
  cron_info: Display information about cron jobs.
  delete_version: Delete the specified version for an app.
  download_app: Download a previously-uploaded app.
  download_data: Download entities from datastore.
  help: Print help for a specific action.
  list_versions: List all uploaded versions for an app.
  request_logs: Write request logs in Apache common log format.
  resource_limits_info: Get the resource limits.
  rollback: Rollback an in-progress update.
  set_default_version: Set the default (serving) version.
  start_module_version: Start a module version.
  stop_module_version: Stop a module version.
  update: Create or update an app version.
  update_cron: Update application cron definitions.
  update_dispatch: Update application dispatch definitions.
  update_dos: Update application dos definitions.
  update_indexes: Update application indexes.
  update_queues: Update application task queue definitions.
  upload_data: Upload data records to datastore.
  vacuum_indexes: Delete unused indexes from application.
Use 'help <action>' for a detailed description.

C:\> help update
Usage: [options] <action>

Action must be one of:
  backends: Perform a backend action.
  backends configure: Reconfigure a backend without stopping it.
  backends delete: Delete a backend.
  backends list: List all backends configured for the app.
  backends rollback: Roll back an update of a backend.
  backends start: Start a backend.
  backends stop: Stop a backend.
  backends update: Update one or more backends.
  create_bulkloader_config: Create a bulkloader.yaml from a running application.
  cron_info: Display information about cron jobs.
  delete_version: Delete the specified version for an app.
  download_app: Download a previously-uploaded app.
  download_data: Download entities from datastore.
  help: Print help for a specific action.
  list_versions: List all uploaded versions for an app.
  request_logs: Write request logs in Apache common log format.
  resource_limits_info: Get the resource limits.
  rollback: Rollback an in-progress update.
  set_default_version: Set the default (serving) version.
  start_module_version: Start a module version.
  stop_module_version: Stop a module version.
  update: Create or update an app version.
  update_cron: Update application cron definitions.
  update_dispatch: Update application dispatch definitions.
  update_dos: Update application dos definitions.
  update_indexes: Update application indexes.
  update_queues: Update application task queue definitions.
  upload_data: Upload data records to datastore.
  vacuum_indexes: Delete unused indexes from application.
Use 'help <action>' for a detailed description.


我终于找到了真正的原因,这不是 AppEngine SDK 的错误。相反,它与我的 Python 解释器有关,因为我注意到它不接受任何 .py 文件的参数。原来是一个注册表错​​误,位于 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\python.exe\shell\open\command] 我不得不从 "C:\Python27\python.exe""%1""C:\Python27\python.exe""%1"%*

这是怎么发生的,无论是 Python 2.7 安装程序,还是 AppEngine SDK,我都不确定。

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