java - 重新抛出异常 : Why does the method compile without a throws clause?

标签 java

在下面的源代码中,我正在重新抛出 Exception

public void throwsOrNotThrowsThatsTheQuestion() {
    try {

        // Any processing

    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw e;


这种行为似乎只发生在 Java 1.7 上。使用 1.6 编译时,我收到以下编译器错误消息:

c:\dev\src\misc>javac -source 1.6
warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6 error: unreported exception Exception; must be caught or declared
to be thrown
        throw e;
1 error
1 warning

但是对于 Java 1.7,它可以编译。

c:\dev\src\misc>javac -source 1.7


...直到我在 try block 中实际抛出 Exception:

public static void throwsOrNotThrowsThatsTheQuestion() {
try {

    // Any processing
    throw new IOException("Fake!");

} catch (Exception e) {
    throw e;


c:\dev\src\misc>javac -source 1.7 error: unreported exception IOException; must be caught or declare
d to be thrown
        throw e;
1 error

看起来 Java 1.7 已经足够智能,可以通过分析 try block 代码来检测可能引发的 Exception(s) 类型,而 1.6 刚刚看到throw e; 类型 Exception 并为此给出错误。

将其更改为抛出 RuntimeException 使其按预期编译,因为与往常一样,未经检查的 Exception 不需要 throws 子句:

public static void throwsOrNotThrowsThatsTheQuestion() {
try {

    // Any processing
    throw new RuntimeException("Fake!");

} catch (Exception e) {
    throw e;


c:\dev\src\misc>javac -source 1.7




Java 7 引入 more inclusive type checking .引用...

Consider the following example:

static class FirstException extends Exception { }
static class SecondException extends Exception { }

public void rethrowException(String exceptionName) throws Exception {
  try {
    if (exceptionName.equals("First")) {
      throw new FirstException();
    } else {
      throw new SecondException();
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw e;

This examples's try block could throw either FirstException or SecondException. Suppose you want to specify these exception types in the throws clause of the rethrowException method declaration. In releases prior to Java SE 7, you cannot do so. Because the exception parameter of the catch clause, e, is type Exception, and the catch block rethrows the exception parameter e, you can only specify the exception type Exception in the throws clause of the rethrowException method declaration.

However, in Java SE 7, you can specify the exception types FirstException and SecondException in the throws clause in the rethrowException method declaration. The Java SE 7 compiler can determine that the exception thrown by the statement throw e must have come from the try block, and the only exceptions thrown by the try block can be FirstException and SecondException. Even though the exception parameter of the catch clause, e, is type Exception, the compiler can determine that it is an instance of either FirstException or SecondException:


public void rethrowException(String exceptionName)
throws FirstException, SecondException {
  try {
    // ...
  catch (Exception e) {
    throw e;

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