arrays - 计算数组中出现的次数

标签 arrays actionscript-3 actionscript find-occurrences

我想计算 ActionScript 3.0 数组中出现的次数。说我有

var item:Array = ["apples", "oranges", "grapes", "oranges", "apples", "grapes"];

如何让它显示匹配字符串的数量?例如,结果:apples = 2, oranges = 2 etc.


    private function getCount(fruitArray:Array, fruitName:String):int {
    var count:int=0;
    for (var i:int=0; i<fruitArray.length; i++) {
        if(fruitArray[i].toLowerCase()==fruitName.toLowerCase()) {
    return count;

var fruit:Array = ["apples", "oranges", "grapes", "oranges", "apples", "grapes"];
var appleCount=getCount(fruit, "apples"); //returns 2
var grapeCount=getCount(fruit, "grapes"); //returns 2
var orangeCount=getCount(fruit, "oranges"); //returns 2

在这段代码中,如果你想得到说“苹果”的计数。您需要为每个项目设置变量 (var appleCount=getCount(fruit, "apples"))。但是,如果您有成百上千个水果名称,不可能为每个水果都写下新变量。

我是 AS3 的新手,所以请原谅我。请在您的代码中包含清晰的注释,因为我想理解代码。


    var item:Array = ["apples", "oranges", "grapes", "oranges", "apples", "grapes"];

    //write the count number of occurrences of each string into the map {fruitName:count}
    var fruit:String;
    var map:Object = {}; //create the empty object, that will hold the values of counters for each fruit, for example map["apples"] will holds the counter for "apples"

    //iterate for each string in the array, and increase occurrence counter for this string by 1 
    for each(fruit in item)
        //first encounter of fruit name, assign counter to 1
            map[fruit] = 1;
        //next encounter of fruit name, just increment the counter by 1

    //iterate by the map properties to trace the results 
    for(fruit in map)
        trace(fruit, "=", map[fruit]);


apples = 2
grapes = 2
oranges = 2

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