php - cakePHP 找不到验证处理程序

标签 php validation cakephp model

我正在为我的 cakePHP 验证而苦苦挣扎

场景: 在我的数据库中,我有一张表“联盟”和一张“联盟”。在“联盟”中,存储了联盟之间的联系。 “联盟”有一些愚蠢的列,例如 ID、名称等。联盟是这样的:

id, request_alliance, accept_alliance, type, requested_at, accepted_at

其中 request_alliance 和 accept_alliance 是联盟的 FK,type 是 1 或 2。


class Federation extends AppModel

  // Bundarten:
  // 1 - NAP
  // 2 - Bund
  public $displayField;

  var $belongsTo = array('Alliance_requesting' => array('className' => 'Alliance', 'foreignKey'   => 'request_alliance'),
                         'Alliance_accepting' => array('className' => 'Alliance', 'foreignKey'   => 'accept_alliance'));

  public $validate = array(
    'request_alliance' => array('required' => true, 'allowEmpty' => false),
    'accept_alliance' => array('required' => true, 'allowEmpty' => false),
    'type' => array('required' => true, 'allowEmpty' => false, 'rule' => array('between', 1, 2))




类 Alliance 扩展了 AppModel{

var $hasMany = array(
  'Federation_requesting' => array('className' => 'Federation', 'foreignKey'   => 'request_alliance', 'dependent' => true),
  'Federation_accepting' => array('className' => 'Federation', 'foreignKey'   => 'accept_alliance', 'dependent' => true)

public $validationDomain = 'alliance';

public $validate = array(
  'tag' => array(
    'uniqueTag' => array(
      'rule'    => 'isUnique',
      'message' => 'Alliance tag already in use'),
    'between' => array(
      'rule' => array('between', 2, 15),
      'message' => 'Alliance tag must betwenn %d to %d characters')),
  'name' => array( 
      'rule' => array('between', 3, 30),
      'message' => 'Alliance name must between %d to %d characters'),
  'image_url' => array(
    'rule' => 'url',
    'message' => 'Alliance picture must be a valid URL',
    'allowEmpty' => true),
  'homepage' => array(
    'rule' => 'url',
    'message' => 'Homepage must be a valid URL',
    'allowEmpty' => true));


到目前为止,我已经编写了一个在两个联盟之间添加新联盟的 View 。这个的 Controller

class FederationsController extends AppController

  var $name = 'Federations';
  var $components = array('Message');
  var $uses = array('Alliance', 'Federation');

  // Requesting new federation
  function add()
    if(empty($this->data['Federation'])) {
      $message = __d('federation', "Invalid Request");
      return $this->redirect(Path::overall_highscore_alliances_path());

    $requesting_alliance_id = $this->data['Federation']['req_alliance_id'];
    $req_alliance           = $this->Alliance->get($requesting_alliance_id);

    if(!$req_alliance) {
      return $this->redirect(Path::overall_highscore_alliances_path());

    if(!$this->Alliance->isCurrentUserDiplomat($req_alliance)) {
      $message = __d('federation', "Only the diplomat is allowed to modify federations.");

      return $this->redirect(Path::alliance_path($requesting_alliance_id));

    $accepting_alliance_id = $this->data['Federation']['acc_alliance_id'];
    $acc_alliance          = $this->Alliance->get($accepting_alliance_id);

    if(!$acc_alliance) {
      $message = __d('federation', "The target alliance for this federation doesn't exists.");

      return $this->redirect(Path::alliance_path($requesting_alliance_id));

    $type = $this->data['Federation']['type'];

    $requested_at = time();


    $values = array('request_alliance' => $requesting_alliance_id,
      'accept_alliance' => $accepting_alliance_id,
      'type' => $type,
      'requested_at' => $requested_at);

    $saved  = $this->Federation->save($values, true, array('request_alliance', 'accept_alliance', 'type', 'requested_at'));

    $name    = h($acc_alliance['name']);
    $message = $saved ? __d('federation', "Federation with '%s' successfully requested.", $name) : '';





Could not find validation handler 1 for request_alliance

Could not find validation handler  for request_alliance

Could not find validation handler 1 for accept_alliance

Could not find validation handler  for accept_alliance







'request_alliance' => array(
    'required' => true, 
    'allowEmpty' => false

'type' => array(
    'required' => true, 
    'allowEmpty' => false, 
    'rule' => array('between', 1, 2)


使用 notEmpty 验证规则

从定义的验证规则来看,似乎存在误会。你可能想要 notEmpty验证规则:

'request_alliance' => array(
    'rule' => 'notEmpty'

如果要确保该字段存在于所有保存中,请使用 the required key

'request_alliance' => array(
    'rule' => 'notEmpty',
    'required' => true

无需定义 allowEmpty key ,因为如果为假,则与 notEmpty 验证规则相同,如果定义为真,则不合逻辑。

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