web-architecture - 您如何构建网站内容?

标签 web-architecture

您是否尽量保持简单并有一个根文件夹,然后是 1 个用于图像、javascript、flash 等的文件夹?你通常怎么称呼你的文件夹?你给你的文件命名约定吗?



 -> images/
      -> <subfolder>
      -> upload
 -> js/
 -> css/
 -> data/
 -> docs/
 -> download/
 -> mme/
 -> subpages/
 -> temp/
 -> siteadmin/

root: all 1st level file located there
images: all images. if images for subfolder, then another level there with the same name.  upload is for uploaded images.
js: javascript
css: css
data: some raw data if needed
docs: word doc or pdf for download
download: something that for ppl to downlaod...
mme: other multimedia files. e.g. flash, movie.. soudn clips.etc.
subpages: 2 or subsequent level pages. organized in different folders
temp: any testing page store there.  private, not public.
siteadmin: if you have an admin site. 

关于web-architecture - 您如何构建网站内容?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/595886/


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