scala - Scala 和 Haskell 中的阶乘

标签 scala haskell

Learn You a Haskell显示 factorial 函数:

Prelude> factorial n = product [1..n]

Prelude> factorial 50

看起来 Int 大于 32 位,或者 Haskell 有类似 BigNumber 的类型。

在 Scala 中运行那个“类似”的函数。

scala> def factorial(n: Int) = List.range(1, n+1).foldLeft(1)(_*_)
factorial: (n: Int)Int

我可以计算一个保持在 Int.MaxValue(20 亿左右)范围内的阶乘

scala> factorial(10)
res5: Int = 362880


scala> factorial(33)
res6: Int = -2147483648


scala> factorial(50)
res7: Int = 0

那么,它在 Haskell 中是如何工作的?而且,为什么 Scala 的结果为 0?


根据documentation :

The standard instances of Integral are Integer (unbounded or mathematical integers, also known as "bignums") and Int (bounded, machine integers, with a range equivalent to at least 29-bit signed binary)

Wikibooks 解释了这一点:

"Integer" is an arbitrary precision type: it will hold any number no matter how big, up to the limit of your machine's memory…. This means you never have arithmetic overflows. On the other hand it also means your arithmetic is relatively slow. Lisp users may recognise the "bignum" type here.

在 ghci 中:

Prelude> factorial 50 :: Int
Prelude> factorial 50 :: Integer

因此,对于 Int,它实际上会溢出。 Integer 可以容纳任何数字而不会因系统内存限制而溢出。

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