list - 删除重复项并对列表进行排序

标签 list scheme


(define (remove-duplicated list)
    (if (null? list)
        (if (= (car list) (cadr list))
            (cdr list)
            (cons (car list) (remove-duplicates (cdr list))))))  


(remove-duplicates '(3 3 4 5 6 6 7))


(3 4 5 6 6 7)


a fairly simple procedure that will take in a list that may or may not include duplicats, and then return that list without any duplicates included, and in sorted order.


  • 删除重复项后对列表进行排序;或
  • 列表排序后删除重复项。

Óscar López pointed out那个

[Your] implementation fails because you're only testing for two consecutive values, you have to search the current element in the rest of the list, use member for that.

如果您在 排序之前删除重复项,这将是一个问题,因为列表中的给定元素可能在列表中的其他任何位置都有重复项。但是,如果您首先对列表进行排序,那么可以保证任何重复的元素 紧跟在原始元素之后,因此您不需要检查整个列表。如果列表已排序,则删除重复项会更容易,但在删除重复元素后,对列表进行排序实际上并不容易,因此首先对列表进行排序然后然后删除重复项确实有意义。 (我想你可以更有效率,并编写你自己的 sort-and-remove-duplicates 过程,但几乎可以肯定不是真的有必要。)

如果您假设 list 已经排序,您的代码几乎是正确的。有两个必要的调整:

  1. 在基本情况下,您只检查是否 (null?list)。但是,对于非空列表,您随后比较 (car list)(cadr list),但如果 list 只有一个元素, 那么 (cadr list) 是一个错误。幸运的是,只有一个元素的列表没有重复项,因此您的基本情况可以是 (or (null? list) (null? (cdr list)))
  2. 第二个 ifthen 部分需要是 (remove-duplicated (cdr list)),而不是 (cdr list),因为 list 仍然可以有更多重复项(例如,(x x x ...)(x x y y ...)).


(define (remove-duplicated list)
  ;; remove duplicates from a *sorted* list.  Because the 
  ;; list is sorted, any duplicates of an element will
  ;; immediately follow the first occurrence of the element.
  ;; If the list has the form () or (x)
  (if (or (null? list)
          (null? (cdr list)))
      ;; then it has no duplicates, so return it
      ;; otherwise, if the list looks like (x x ...)
      (if (= (car list) (cadr list))
          ;; then you can discard the first element, but you
          ;; still need to remove duplicates from the rest of
          ;; the list, since there can be more duplicates later
          (remove-duplicated (cdr list))
          ;; otherwise, you need the first element of the list
          ;; and can simply remove-duplicated from the rest.
          (cons (car list) (remove-duplicated (cdr list))))))  


(remove-duplicated '(1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6))
;=> '(1 2 3 4 5 6)

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