kubernetes - 多个网络策略规则是否按逻辑处理为 "and"规则或 "or"?

标签 kubernetes kubernetes-networkpolicy



So, the example NetworkPolicy:

- isolates “role=db” pods in the “default” namespace for both ingress
and egress traffic (if they weren’t already isolated)
- allows connections to TCP port 6379 of “role=db” pods in the “default”
namespace from any pod in the “default” namespace with the
label “role=frontend”
- allows connections to TCP port 6379 of “role=db” pods
in the “default” namespace from any pod in a namespace with
the label “project=myproject”

这是否意味着“role=db”标签的 pod 可以从以下位置接收连接:
  • 其他带有标签“role=frontend”和带有标签“project=myproject”的命名空间的pod;或
  • 其他带有标签“role=frontend”或带有标签“project=myproject”的命名空间的 pod。

  • 谢谢!


    kubernetes network recipe "ALLOW traffic from apps using multiple selectors"清楚了:

    • Rules specified in spec.ingress.from are OR'ed.
    • This means the pods selected by the selectors are combined are whitelisted altogether.

    关于kubernetes - 多个网络策略规则是否按逻辑处理为 "and"规则或 "or"?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49123203/


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