clojure - 莱宁根是否有等同于 `clj -m`

标签 clojure leiningen

Leiningen 中是否有与此 clj 命令等效的命令:

clj -m project.core

看起来如果我使用 Leiningen,我需要先创建 project.clj,然后才能运行它

lein run -m project.core

我可以在不创建 project.clj 的情况下运行它吗?




lein run -m test/-main

我得到的错误是 suggest it can't find a main .翻看lein help , 几乎所有东西,包括 lein clean 之类的东西, 如果 project.clj 则抛出错误没有找到。

tutorial for leiningen是 block :

Leiningen works with projects. A project is a directory containing a group of Clojure (and possibly Java) source files, along with a bit of metadata about them. The metadata is stored in a file named project.clj in the project's root directory, which is how you tell Leiningen about things like


Most Leiningen tasks only make sense in the context of a project. Some (for example, repl or help) can also be called from any directory.


似乎 leiningen 是以项目为中心的,并且期待在 project.clj 中保存的元数据。发挥作用。

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