php - 如何在 zend db 中使用 union

标签 php zend-framework zend-db

在 sql 中我使用的是 union 我不知道如何在 zend db 中编写它。

select m.*, 0 as is_shared from test m where user_id = $userId 
select m.*,1 as is_shared from test m 
join test_shares ms 
where m.test_id = ms.test_id 
and ms.email_address = $email 
and m.url is not null;



$cols1 = array('test.*,0 as is_shared');
$select1 = $db->select ()
    ->from ( 'test', $cols1 )
    ->where ( 'user_id = ?', $userId);

$cols2 = array('test_shares.*', '1 as is_shared');
$select2 = $db->select ()
    ->from ( 'test', $cols2 )
    ->join ( 'test_shares', array () )
    ->where ( 'test.test_id = test_shares.test_id')
    ->where ( 'test_shares.email_address = ?',  $email)
    ->where ( 'test.url is NOT NULL');

$select = $db->select()
             ->union(array($select1, $select2))

它正在接受 'test'.'0' AS 'is_shared' 就像这样,但我需要这样的 0 作为 is_shared。 它正在接受 'test'.'1' AS 'is_shared' 就像这样,但我需要这样的 1 作为 is_shared。


我不知道我们的 sql 是否有效。但它可以制作以下代码。

$userId = 10;
$email = '';

$select1 = $db->select()
                ->from(array('m' => 'test'), array('*', '0 AS is_shared'))
                ->where('user_id =?', $userId);

$select2 = $db->select()
                ->from(array('m' => 'test'), array('*', '1 AS is_shared'))
                ->join(array('ms' => 'test_shares'), 'm.test_id = ms.test_id', '')
                ->where('ms.email_address =?', $email)
                ->where('m.url IS NULL');                  

$select = $this->select()
     ->union(array($select1, $select2))

echo $select; die;

        /*SELECT `m`.*, `m`.`0` AS `is_shared` 
         * FROM `test` AS `m` 
         * WHERE (user_id =10) 
         * UNION 
         * SELECT `m`.*, `m`.`1` AS `is_shared` 
         * FROM `test` AS `m` 
         * INNER JOIN `test_shares` AS `ms` 
         * ON m.test_id = ms.test_id 
         * WHERE (ms.email_address ='') AND (m.url IS NULL) 
         * ORDER BY `title` ASC*/

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