php - 一段时间后取消设置 session

标签 php session background

我正在构建一个在线订票网站。在这方面我正在做以下事情: 用户用他们的座位号搜索公共(public)汽车。使用 temp_seat_book = 'Y' 使用座位号更新数据库。如果他预订了付费机票,他的状态将更新为 final_ticket_book = 'Y' 。现在我想删除 temp_seat_book = 'Y' 的字段但是 final_ticket_book = 'N' 。为此,我需要删除超过 10 分钟的 session_ids 和 final_ticket_book = 'N'。那么如何实现后台作业呢?


而不是搜索文件(这涉及更多的 i/o )等, 什么是 session cookie:Session Cookie
更好的方法是在 $_SESSION 变量中存储“最近事件”的时间戳。
并根据每个请求更新 session 数据(包括自动定期 ajax 调用,如果有的话)。

假设您想在 10 分钟后取消设置,

if (isset($_SESSION['most_recent_activity']) && 
    (time() -   $_SESSION['most_recent_activity'] > 600)) {

 //600 seconds = 10 minutes

 $_SESSION['most_recent_activity'] = time(); // the start of the session.

To avoid attacks like Session fixation: (Session Fixation is an attack that permits an attacker to hijack a valid user session) keep regenerating the session id periodically say for 5 mins (I would suggest to keep the regeneration time as well as session expire time a bit more). A more elaborate list of attacks: attack list.

if (!isset($_SESSION['CREATED'])) {
    $_SESSION['CREATED'] = time();
else if (time() - $_SESSION['CREATED'] > 600) {
    $_SESSION['CREATED'] = time();  

此外,请确保将 session.gc-maxlifetime 设置为您要使用的最长过期时间。 你可以这样做

ini_set('session.gc-maxlifetime', 600)

或者 直接在您的 php.ini 中设置它。


session.cookie_lifetime :

session.cookie_lifetime specifies the lifetime of the cookie in seconds which is sent to the browser.

But, destroying the session must be taken care at the server-side and not the client-side. Setting the session.cookie_lifetime set to 0 would make the session’s cookie behave the way a session cookie should i.e. that a session cookie is only valid until the browser is closed.


啊,找到我很久以前看过的链接了! : How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes?

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