model - SIMULINK 中代码生成符号的命名冲突

标签 model simulink name-mangling

我的问题特定于 SIMULINK、Model and Code Generation Advisor 和 Embedded Coder


{code}Error occurred during model compile.

Potential usage conflicts for identifier 'MdlrefDW_Other_Systems_Inputs_T'. This might occur when multiple referenced models have similar model names and similar naming rules. You can resolve this conflict by: increase the maximum identifier length parameter on the Symbols pane of the Configuration Parameter dialog, add different literal strings in identifier naming rules for each referenced model, or use dis-similar names for each referenced model

Potential usage conflicts for identifier 'MdlrefDW_Other_Systems_Inputs_T'. This might occur when multiple referenced models have similar model names and similar naming rules. You can resolve this conflict by: increase the maximum identifier length parameter on the Symbols pane of the Configuration Parameter dialog, add different literal strings in identifier naming rules for each referenced model, or use dis-similar names for each referenced model

Potential usage conflicts for identifier 'MdlrefDW_Other_Systems_Inputs_T'. This might occur when multiple referenced models have similar model names and similar naming rules. You can resolve this conflict by: increase the maximum identifier length parameter on the Symbols pane of the Configuration Parameter dialog, add different literal strings in identifier naming rules for each referenced model, or use dis-similar names for each referenced model{code}

我什至尝试删除任何信号名称并使用非虚拟数据总线对信号进行分组,以便将它们转换为 C 代码中的结构(生成时)。但是,它仍然提示同样的事情。

我尝试的另一件事是操纵名称修改。但随后它与 MISRA C 代码安全要求(最小修饰字符和最大标识符/var 长度)冲突。

如果这个问题是 SIMULINK 的限制或可以修复,我很难理解。我不能简单地去改信号名,因为那是盲目适应SIMULINK,而不是调查核心原因。另外,我认为模型在功能上是正确的。有没有人经历过这样的事情?




这可以从模型配置参数的代码生成菜单的符号 Pane 中完成。

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