xamarin.forms - 使用 Xamarin.Forms 的横幅广告

标签 xamarin.forms admob ads banner-ads

我只想了解 Xamarin.Forms 支持的横幅广告,没有任何补丁或漏洞。是否有任何广告提供商提供带有 Xamarin.Forms 的 SDK?



Google AdMob 有 SDK 和分步示例适用于 Xamarin.Android。您将需要 Xamarin.GooglePlaySerives.Ads金块。

我用它在我在 Google Play 上发布的 Xamarin.Forms 应用程序中显示广告。

以下是应用程序 android 部分的示例代码:

using System;

using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Runtime;
using Android.Views;
using Android.Widget;
using Android.OS;
using Android.Support.V7.App;
using Android.Gms.Ads;
using Android;

namespace AdMobExample
    [Activity (Label = "@string/app_name", MainLauncher = true)]
    public class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity
        protected AdView mAdView;
        protected InterstitialAd mInterstitialAd;
        protected Button mLoadInterstitialButton;

        protected override void OnCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)
            base.OnCreate (savedInstanceState);
            SetContentView (Resource.Layout.activity_main);

            mAdView = FindViewById<AdView> (Resource.Id.adView);
            var adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder ().Build ();
            mAdView.LoadAd (adRequest);

            mInterstitialAd = new InterstitialAd (this);
            mInterstitialAd.AdUnitId = GetString (Resource.String.test_interstitial_ad_unit_id);

            mInterstitialAd.AdListener = new AdListener (this);

            mLoadInterstitialButton = FindViewById<Button> (Resource.Id.load_interstitial_button);
            mLoadInterstitialButton.SetOnClickListener (new OnClickListener (this));

        protected void RequestNewInterstitial ()
            var adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder ().Build ();
            mInterstitialAd.LoadAd (adRequest);

        protected void BeginSecondActivity ()
            var intent = new Intent (this, typeof(SecondActivity));
            StartActivity (intent);

        protected override void OnPause ()
            if (mAdView != null) {
                mAdView.Pause ();
            base.OnPause ();

        protected override void OnResume ()
            base.OnResume ();
            if (mAdView != null) {
                mAdView.Resume ();
            if (!mInterstitialAd.IsLoaded) {
                RequestNewInterstitial ();

        protected override void OnDestroy ()
            if (mAdView != null) {
                mAdView.Destroy ();
            base.OnDestroy ();

        class AdListener : Android.Gms.Ads.AdListener
            MainActivity that;

            public AdListener (MainActivity t)
                that = t;

            public override void OnAdClosed ()
                that.RequestNewInterstitial ();
                that.BeginSecondActivity ();

        class OnClickListener : Java.Lang.Object, View.IOnClickListener
            MainActivity that;

            public OnClickListener (MainActivity t)
                that = t;

            public void OnClick (View v)
                if (that.mInterstitialAd.IsLoaded) {
                    that.mInterstitialAd.Show ();
                } else {
                    that.BeginSecondActivity ();

还有一个 AdMob 广告的分步指南 Xamarin.iOS :
using Google.MobileAds;

const string intersitialId = "<Get your ID at google.com/ads/admob>";

Interstitial adInterstitial;

public override void ViewDidLoad ()
    base.ViewDidLoad ();

    CreateAndRequestInterstitial ();

public void AfterSomeTime ()
    if (adInterstitial.IsReady)
        adInterstitial.PresentFromRootViewController (navController);

void CreateAndRequestInterstitial ()
    adInterstitial = new Interstitial (intersitialId);
    adInterstitial.ScreenDismissed += (sender, e) => {
        // Interstitial is a one time use object. That means once an interstitial is shown, HasBeenUsed 
        // returns true and the interstitial can't be used to load another ad. 
        // To request another interstitial, you'll need to create a new Interstitial object.
        adInterstitial.Dispose ();
        adInterstitial = null;
        CreateAndRequestInterstitial ();

    var request = Request.GetDefaultRequest ();
    // Requests test ads on devices you specify. Your test device ID is printed to the console when
    // an ad request is made. GADBannerView automatically returns test ads when running on a
    // simulator. After you get your device ID, add it here
    request.TestDevices = new [] { Request.SimulatorId.ToString () };

    adInterstitial.LoadRequest (request);

关于xamarin.forms - 使用 Xamarin.Forms 的横幅广告,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41247513/


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