jmeter - 远程服务器问题-分布式测试

标签 jmeter remote-server jmeter-4.0 distributed-testing


在主机 jmeter 属性文件中,我添加了两个从机 IP。 我分别在Slave Machine中运行server.bat文件。

但我的一台从属机器显示Port 1099 Busy错误。所以我将该特定 Salve Machine 的端口更改为 1098 并重新运行 server.bat 文件.

现在当我在Master Machine 中选择Remote Start ALL 命令时,更改端口的Slave Machine 不执行测试。但是另一台端口为1099的从机测试成功。



您需要关注changing RMI port steps :

JMeter uses the standard RMI port 1099. It is possible to change this. For this to work successfully, all the following need to agree:

  • On the server, start rmiregistry using the new port number
  • On the server, start JMeter with the property server_port defined
  • On the client, update the remote_hosts property to include the new remote host:port settings

Since JMeter 2.1.1, the jmeter-server scripts provide support for changing the port. For example, assume you want to use port 1664 (perhaps 1099 is already used).

On Windows (in a DOS box)

C:\JMETER> JMETER-SERVER [other options]

On Unix:

$ SERVER_PORT=1664 jmeter-server [other options]

[N.B. use upper case for the environment variable] In both cases, the script starts rmiregistry on the specified port, and then starts JMeter in server mode, having defined the "server_port" property.

The chosen port will be logged in the server jmeter.log file (rmiregistry does not create a log file).

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