.net - 犀牛模拟 : Is there any way to verify a constraint on an object property's property?

标签 .net rhino-mocks


class ObjA {
  public ObjB B;
class ObjB {
  public bool Val;

class ObjectToMock {
  public DoSomething(ObjA obj){...}

有没有什么方法可以定义一个期望,不仅 DoSomething 会被调用,而且 obj.B.Val == true?


Expect.Call(delegate { 
}).Constraints(new PropertyIs("B.Val", true));



您可以尝试使用 Is.Matching() 并提供谓词约束(为清楚起见移出行外):

    Predicate nestedBValIsTrue = delegate(ObjA a) { return a.B.Val == true;};
    Expect.Call( delegate {mockobj.DoSomething(null);})
           .Constraints( Is.Matching(nestedBValIsTrue));

关于.net - 犀牛模拟 : Is there any way to verify a constraint on an object property's property?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76584/


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