javafx - JavaFX 图表中的缩放选择矩形未显示,但缩放工作正常

标签 javafx charts

我编写了一个在 JavaFX 图表上实现缩放功能的示例程序,我从 GitHub 项目中找到了 Zoom 类,我只是重新使用它。我的挑战是,当我拖动鼠标选择某个区域进行缩放时,所选区域矩形在 Windows 7、Linux、Mac OS X 中不显示,但在 Windows 10 中工作正常。 我缺少什么,如何让 selectedRectangle 显示以便用户知道他们正在放大哪个区域?


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package testlinechartgraphs;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import javafx.application.Application;
import static javafx.application.Application.launch;
import javafx.collections.FXCollections;
import javafx.collections.ObservableList;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.geometry.Side;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.chart.LineChart;
import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis;
import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart;
import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

public class TestLineChartGraphs extends Application {

    final static ObservableList<XYChart.Series<Number, Number>> lineChartData = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

    public void start(Stage stage) {
        stage.setTitle("Line Chart Sample");
        //defining the axes
        final NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis();
        final NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis();
        xAxis.setLabel("Number of Month");
        Random randomNumbers = new Random();
        ArrayList<Integer> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();

        //creating the chart
        final LineChart<Number, Number> lineChart
                = new LineChart<Number, Number>(xAxis, yAxis);

        lineChart.setTitle("Stock Monitoring, 2010");

        int randomCount = randomNumbers.nextInt(14)+1;
        //System.out.println("randomCount = " + randomCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < randomCount; i++) {
            XYChart.Series series = new XYChart.Series();
            series.setName("series_" + i);
            for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++) {
                int x = randomNumbers.nextInt(50);

                series.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(k, x));


        final StackPane chartContainer = new StackPane();

        Zoom zoom = new Zoom(lineChart, chartContainer);


        BorderPane borderPane = new BorderPane();


        //Scene scene = new Scene(lineChart, 800, 600);
        Scene scene = new Scene(borderPane, 800, 600);
        //lineChart.getData().addAll(series, series1);


    public static Node getLegend() {
        HBox hBox = new HBox();

        for (final XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series : lineChartData) {
            CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(series.getName());

            checkBox.setOnAction(event -> {
                if (lineChartData.contains(series)) {

                } else {


        hBox.setStyle("-fx-padding: 0 10 20 10");

        return hBox;

    public static void main(String[] args) {


package testlinechartgraphs;

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 * @author *************
import javafx.event.EventHandler;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis;
import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
import javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;

 * This class adds a zoom functionality to a given XY chart. Zoom means that a
 user can select a region in the chart that should be displayed at a larger
public class Zoom {

    private static final String INFO_LABEL_ID = "zoomInfoLabel";
    private final Pane pane;
    private final XYChart<Number, Number> chart;
    private final NumberAxis xAxis;
    private final NumberAxis yAxis;
    private final SelectionRectangle selectionRectangle;
    private Label infoLabel;

    private Point2D selectionRectangleStart;
    private Point2D selectionRectangleEnd;

     * Create a new instance of this class with the given chart and pane
     * instances. The {@link Pane} instance is needed as a parent for the
     * rectangle that represents the user selection.
     * @param chart the xy chart to which the zoom support should be added
     * @param pane the pane on which the selection rectangle will be drawn.
    public Zoom(XYChart<Number, Number> chart, Pane pane) {
        this.pane = pane;
        this.chart = chart;
        this.xAxis = (NumberAxis) chart.getXAxis();
        this.yAxis = (NumberAxis) chart.getYAxis();
        selectionRectangle = new SelectionRectangle();


     * The info label shows a short info text that tells the user how to unreset
     * the zoom level.
    private void addInfoLabel() {
        infoLabel = new Label("Click ESC to reset the zoom level.");
        StackPane.setAlignment(infoLabel, Pos.TOP_RIGHT);

     * Adds a mechanism to select an area in the chart that should be displayed
     * at larged scale.
    private void addDragSelectionMechanism() {
        pane.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, new MousePressedHandler());
        pane.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, new MouseDraggedHandler());
        pane.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, new MouseReleasedHandler());
        pane.addEventHandler(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, new EscapeKeyHandler());

    private Point2D computeRectanglePoint(double eventX, double eventY) {
        double lowerBoundX = computeOffsetInChart(xAxis, false);
        double upperBoundX = lowerBoundX + xAxis.getWidth();
        double lowerBoundY = computeOffsetInChart(yAxis, true);
        double upperBoundY = lowerBoundY + yAxis.getHeight();
        // make sure the rectangle's end point is in the interval defined by the lower and upper bounds for each
        // dimension
        double x = Math.max(lowerBoundX, Math.min(eventX, upperBoundX));
        double y = Math.max(lowerBoundY, Math.min(eventY, upperBoundY));
        return new Point2D(x, y);

     * Computes the pixel offset of the given node inside the chart node.
     * @param node the node for which to compute the pixel offset
     * @param vertical flag that indicates whether the horizontal or the
     * vertical dimension should be taken into account
     * @return the offset inside the chart node
    private double computeOffsetInChart(Node node, boolean vertical) {
        double offset = 0;
        do {
            if (vertical) {
                offset += node.getLayoutY();
            } else {
                offset += node.getLayoutX();
            node = node.getParent();
        } while (node != chart);
        return offset;

    private final class MousePressedHandler implements EventHandler<MouseEvent> {

        public void handle(final MouseEvent event) {

            // do nothing for a right-click
            if (event.isSecondaryButtonDown()) {

            // store position of initial click
            selectionRectangleStart = computeRectanglePoint(event.getX(), event.getY());

    private final class MouseDraggedHandler implements EventHandler<MouseEvent> {

        public void handle(final MouseEvent event) {

            // do nothing for a right-click
            if (event.isSecondaryButtonDown()) {

            // store current cursor position
            selectionRectangleEnd = computeRectanglePoint(event.getX(), event.getY());

            double x = Math.min(selectionRectangleStart.getX(), selectionRectangleEnd.getX());
            double y = Math.min(selectionRectangleStart.getY(), selectionRectangleEnd.getY());
            double width = Math.abs(selectionRectangleStart.getX() - selectionRectangleEnd.getX());
            double height = Math.abs(selectionRectangleStart.getY() - selectionRectangleEnd.getY());

            drawSelectionRectangle(x, y, width, height);

         * Draws a selection box in the view.
         * @param x the x position of the selection box
         * @param y the y position of the selection box
         * @param width the width of the selection box
         * @param height the height of the selection box
        private void drawSelectionRectangle(final double x, final double y, final double width, final double height) {
            //selectionRectangle.setFill(Color.LIGHTSEAGREEN.deriveColor(0, 1, 1, 0.5));
            //System.out.println("Draw the rectangle ...");

    private final class MouseReleasedHandler implements EventHandler<MouseEvent> {

         * Defines a minimum width for the selected area. If the selected
         * rectangle is not wider than this value, no zooming will take place.
         * This helps prevent accidental zooming.
        private static final double MIN_RECTANGE_WIDTH = 10;

         * Defines a minimum height for the selected area. If the selected
         * rectangle is not wider than this value, no zooming will take place.
         * This helps prevent accidental zooming.
        private static final double MIN_RECTANGLE_HEIGHT = 10;

        public void handle(final MouseEvent event) {

            if (selectionRectangleStart == null || selectionRectangleEnd == null) {

            if (isRectangleSizeTooSmall()) {

            selectionRectangleStart = null;
            selectionRectangleEnd = null;

            // needed for the key event handler to receive events

        private boolean isRectangleSizeTooSmall() {
            double width = Math.abs(selectionRectangleEnd.getX() - selectionRectangleStart.getX());
            double height = Math.abs(selectionRectangleEnd.getY() - selectionRectangleStart.getY());
            return width < MIN_RECTANGE_WIDTH || height < MIN_RECTANGLE_HEIGHT;

         * Hides the selection rectangle.
        private void hideSelectionRectangle() {

        private void setAxisBounds() {

            // compute new bounds for the chart's x and y axes
            double selectionMinX = Math.min(selectionRectangleStart.getX(), selectionRectangleEnd.getX());
            double selectionMaxX = Math.max(selectionRectangleStart.getX(), selectionRectangleEnd.getX());
            double selectionMinY = Math.min(selectionRectangleStart.getY(), selectionRectangleEnd.getY());
            double selectionMaxY = Math.max(selectionRectangleStart.getY(), selectionRectangleEnd.getY());

            setHorizontalBounds(selectionMinX, selectionMaxX);
            setVerticalBounds(selectionMinY, selectionMaxY);

        private void disableAutoRanging() {

        private void showInfo() {

         * Sets new bounds for the chart's x axis.
         * @param minPixelPosition the x position of the selection rectangle's
         * left edge (in pixels)
         * @param maxPixelPosition the x position of the selection rectangle's
         * right edge (in pixels)
        private void setHorizontalBounds(double minPixelPosition, double maxPixelPosition) {
            double currentLowerBound = xAxis.getLowerBound();
            double currentUpperBound = xAxis.getUpperBound();
            double offset = computeOffsetInChart(xAxis, false);
            setLowerBoundX(minPixelPosition, currentLowerBound, currentUpperBound, offset);
            setUpperBoundX(maxPixelPosition, currentLowerBound, currentUpperBound, offset);

         * Sets new bounds for the chart's y axis.
         * @param minPixelPosition the y position of the selection rectangle's
         * upper edge (in pixels)
         * @param maxPixelPosition the y position of the selection rectangle's
         * lower edge (in pixels)
        private void setVerticalBounds(double minPixelPosition, double maxPixelPosition) {
            double currentLowerBound = yAxis.getLowerBound();
            double currentUpperBound = yAxis.getUpperBound();
            double offset = computeOffsetInChart(yAxis, true);
            setLowerBoundY(maxPixelPosition, currentLowerBound, currentUpperBound, offset);
            setUpperBoundY(minPixelPosition, currentLowerBound, currentUpperBound, offset);

        private void setLowerBoundX(double pixelPosition, double currentLowerBound, double currentUpperBound,
                double offset) {
            double newLowerBound = computeBound(pixelPosition, offset, xAxis.getWidth(), currentLowerBound,
                    currentUpperBound, false);

        private void setUpperBoundX(double pixelPosition, double currentLowerBound, double currentUpperBound,
                double offset) {
            double newUpperBound = computeBound(pixelPosition, offset, xAxis.getWidth(), currentLowerBound,
                    currentUpperBound, false);

        private void setLowerBoundY(double pixelPosition, double currentLowerBound, double currentUpperBound,
                double offset) {
            double newLowerBound = computeBound(pixelPosition, offset, yAxis.getHeight(), currentLowerBound,
                    currentUpperBound, true);

        private void setUpperBoundY(double pixelPosition, double currentLowerBound, double currentUpperBound,
                double offset) {
            double newUpperBound = computeBound(pixelPosition, offset, yAxis.getHeight(), currentLowerBound,
                    currentUpperBound, true);

        private double computeBound(double pixelPosition, double pixelOffset, double pixelLength, double lowerBound,
                double upperBound, boolean axisInverted) {
            double pixelPositionWithoutOffset = pixelPosition - pixelOffset;
            double relativePosition = pixelPositionWithoutOffset / pixelLength;
            double axisLength = upperBound - lowerBound;

            // The screen's y axis grows from top to bottom, whereas the chart's y axis goes from bottom to top.
            // That's
            // why we need to have this distinction here.
            double offset = 0;
            int sign = 0;
            if (axisInverted) {
                offset = upperBound;
                sign = -1;
            } else {
                offset = lowerBound;
                sign = 1;

            double newBound = offset + sign * relativePosition * axisLength;
            return newBound;

    private final class EscapeKeyHandler implements EventHandler<KeyEvent> {

        public void handle(KeyEvent event) {

            // the ESCAPE key lets the user reset the zoom level
            if (KeyCode.ESCAPE.equals(event.getCode())) {

        private void resetAxisBounds() {

        private void hideInfo() {



package testlinechartgraphs;

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 * and open the template in the editor.

 * @author **************
import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;

 * Represents an area on the screen that was selected by a mouse drag operation.
public class SelectionRectangle extends Rectangle {

    private static final String STYLE_CLASS_SELECTION_BOX = "chart-selection-rectangle";

    public SelectionRectangle() {




.chart-line-symbol {
    -fx-scale-x: 0.5;
    -fx-scale-y: 0.5;

.chart-popup-label {
    -fx-padding: 1 3 1 3;
    -fx-border-radius: 1;
    -fx-border-width: 1;
    -fx-opacity: 0.7;
    -fx-effect: dropshadow( two-pass-box , rgba(0,0,0,0.3) , 8, 0.0 , 0 , 3 );

.chart-legend-item {
    -fx-padding : 1 23 1 23;

.chart-legend-item-symbol {
   -fx-scale-x: 0.8;
   -fx-scale-y: 0.8;

.chart-selection-rectangle {
    -fx-stroke: rgba(135, 206, 250, 0.8);
    -fx-stroke-type: inside;
    -fx-fill: rgba(135, 206, 250, 0.2);

#zoomInfoLabel {
    -fx-background-color: rgba(135, 206, 250, 0.8);
    -fx-font-size: 14;
    -fx-padding: 3;
    -fx-background-radius: 2;





    final StackPane chartContainer = new StackPane();
    Zoom zoom = new Zoom(lineChart, chartContainer);



    final StackPane chartContainer = new StackPane();
    Zoom zoom = new Zoom(lineChart, chartContainer);

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