visual-studio-code - 让 babel 观看两个文件夹

标签 visual-studio-code babeljs

目标:我有两个子文件夹(jsx 用于 jsx 文件)和(dash7 用于 ECMA-2017 脚本)我不想合并这些文件夹。我想设置一个可以监视这两个文件夹的 VSCODE 任务。

问题:现在,我有两个独立的任务。一个“jsx watch”另一个“es7 watch”。我一次只能用 VS Code 运行一个。

问题:有没有一种方法可以编写一个同时执行这两项任务的任务,或者有没有一种方法可以让 babel 监视两个单独的文件夹。或者其他解决方案?

    "version": "0.1.0",
    "command": "${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/.bin/babel.cmd",
    // "isShellCommand": true,
    "tasks": [
            "args": ["jsx", "--out-dir", "jsxo", "-w", "--source-maps inline"],
            "taskName": "jsx watch",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "isBuildCommand": true, // make this the F1 > Task: Run Build Task gesture
            "isBackground": true // tell VS Code not wait for this task to finish
            "args": ["dash7", "--out-dir", "dash", "-w", "--source-maps inline"],
            "taskName": "es7 watch",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "isBuildCommand": true, // make this the F1 > Task: Run Build Task gesture
            "isBackground": true // tell VS Code not wait for this task to finish

babel 预设

  "babel": {
    "sourceMaps": "inline",
    "presets": [


VSCODE 人员刚刚使用新的终端运行程序更新了 Visual Code:

如果您将版本更改为 2.0.0,那么您可以一次运行多个任务!

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "command": "${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/.bin/babel.cmd",
    // "isShellCommand": true,
    "tasks": [
            "args": ["jsx", "--out-dir", "jsxo", "-w", "--source-maps inline"],
            "taskName": "jsx watch",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "isBuildCommand": true, // make this the F1 > Task: Run Build Task gesture
            "isBackground": true // tell VS Code not wait for this task to finish
            "args": ["dash7", "--out-dir", "dash", "-w", "--source-maps inline"],
            "taskName": "es7 watch",
            "suppressTaskName": true,
            "isBuildCommand": true, // make this the F1 > Task: Run Build Task gesture
            "isBackground": true // tell VS Code not wait for this task to finish

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