R 合并 XTS 时间序列导致重复的时间

标签 r date merge xts posixct

我从来没有找到一种有效的方法来解决我每次尝试组合不同来源的时间序列数据时遇到的问题。通过不同的来源,我的意思是将来自互联网的数据源(雅虎股票价格)与本地 csv 时间序列相结合。

yahoo.xts  # variable containing security prices from yahoo
local.xts  # local time series data 
cbind(yahoo.xts,local.xts)  # combine them


enter image description here

我得到了给定日期不同时间的组合 xts 数据框。我想要的是忽略给定日期的时间并将它们对齐。我一直在解决这个问题的方法是提取数据索引的两个独立来源并使用 as.Date 函数进行转换,然后将它们重新包装为 xts 对象。我的问题是,是否还有另一种我错过的更好更有效的方法。

data.etf = env()
getSymbols.av(c('XOM','AAPL'), src="av", api.key="your-own-key",from = '1970-01-01',adjusted=TRUE,
            output.size="full",env = data.etf,  set.symbolnames = T, auto.assign = T)
yahoo.xts = Cl(data.etf$XOM)


structure(c(112.68, 109.2, 107.86, 104.35, 104.68, 110.66), class = c("xts", 
"zoo"), .indexCLASS = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tclass = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), .indexTZ = "America/Chicago", tzone = "America/Chicago", index = structure(c(1508457600, 
1508716800, 1508803200, 1508889600, 1508976000, 1509062400), tzone = "America/Chicago", tclass = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt")), .Dim = c(6L, 1L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, "XIV"))

structure(c(0.176601541324807, -0.914132074513824, -0.0608652702022332, 
-0.196679777210441, -0.190397155984135, 0.915313388202916, -0.0530280808936784, 
0.263895885521142, 0.10844973759151, 0.0547864992300319, 0.0435149080877898, 
-0.202388932508539, 0.0382888645282672, -0.00800908217028123, 
-0.0798424223984417, 0.00268898461896916, 0.00493307845560457, 
0.132697099147406, 0.074267173330532, -0.336299384720176, -0.0859815663679892, 
-0.0597168456705514, -0.0867777000321366, 0.283394650847026, 
-0.0100414455118704, 0.106355723615723, -0.0640682814821423, 
0.0481841070155836, -0.00321273561708742, -0.13182105331959), .indexCLASS = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tclass = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), .indexTZ = structure("America/Chicago", .Names = "TZ"), tzone = structure("America/Chicago", .Names = "TZ"), class = c("xts", 
"zoo"), na.action = structure(1L, class = "omit", index = 1080540000), index = structure(c(1508475600, 
1508734800, 1508821200, 1508907600, 1508994000, 1509080400), tzone = structure("America/Chicago", .Names = "TZ"), tclass = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt")), .Dim = c(6L, 5L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("D.30", 
"D.60", "D.90", "D.120", "D.150")))



您的问题是,当合并发生时,打印结果中的 19:00:00 戳对应于 UTC 日期(截至 UTC 凌晨 12 点)转换为“美国/芝加哥”POSIXct 时间戳。

正如您所指出的,一种解决方案是创建新的 xts 时间索引,这些索引都是日期格式。但它确实让人讨厌。如果可以,最好首先避免这种情况,否则您必须将日期时间序列更改为具有适当时区的 POSIXct 时间序列。

当您将 xts 对象与日期数据(或更准确地说,您认为是日期数据)未对齐时,您需要了解的关键是时区在对象中未对齐。如果时区在您的 xts 对象的时间索引中对齐,那么您将获得正确的合并,而不会出现不良行为。当然,日期对象没有时区,默认情况下,如果它们与具有 POSIXct 类型时间索引的 xts 对象合并,它们将被赋予时区“UTC”。

# reproduce your data (your code isn't reproducible fully for me:

data.etf = new.env()
getSymbols(c('XOM','AAPL'), src="yahoo", api.key="your-own-key",from = '1970-01-01',adjusted=TRUE,output.size="full",env = data.etf,  set.symbolnames = T, auto.assign = T)
yahoo.xts = Cl(data.etf$XOM)

z <- structure(c(0.176601541324807, -0.914132074513824, -0.0608652702022332, 
                 -0.196679777210441, -0.190397155984135, 0.915313388202916, -0.0530280808936784, 
                 0.263895885521142, 0.10844973759151, 0.0547864992300319, 0.0435149080877898, 
                 -0.202388932508539, 0.0382888645282672, -0.00800908217028123, 
                 -0.0798424223984417, 0.00268898461896916, 0.00493307845560457, 
                 0.132697099147406, 0.074267173330532, -0.336299384720176, -0.0859815663679892, 
                 -0.0597168456705514, -0.0867777000321366, 0.283394650847026, 
                 -0.0100414455118704, 0.106355723615723, -0.0640682814821423, 
                 0.0481841070155836, -0.00321273561708742, -0.13182105331959), .indexCLASS = c("POSIXct", 
                                                                                               "POSIXt"), tclass = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), .indexTZ = structure("America/Chicago", .Names = "TZ"), tzone = structure("America/Chicago", .Names = "TZ"), class = c("xts", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "zoo"), na.action = structure(1L, class = "omit", index = 1080540000), index = structure(c(1508475600, 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1508734800, 1508821200, 1508907600, 1508994000, 1509080400), tzone = structure("America/Chicago", .Names = "TZ"), tclass = c("POSIXct", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          "POSIXt")), .Dim = c(6L, 5L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("D.30", 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 "D.60", "D.90", "D.120", "D.150")))

#inspect the index timezones and classes:
> class(index(z))
# [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" 
> class(index(yahoo.xts))
# [1] "Date"

# TZ 
# "America/Chicago" 
# [1] "UTC"

您可以看到 yahoo.xts 正在使用日期类。当它与 POSIXct 类(即与 z 合并)时,它将被转换为“UTC”时间戳。
# Let's see what happens if the timezone of the yahoo.xts2 object is the same as z:
yahoo.xts2 <- xts(coredata(yahoo.xts), order.by = as.POSIXct(as.character(index(yahoo.xts)), tz = "America/Chicago"))

An ‘xts’ object on 1970-01-02/2017-10-27 containing:
    Data: num [1:12067, 1] 1.94 1.97 1.96 1.95 1.96 ...
- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
..$ : NULL
..$ : chr "XOM.Close"
Indexed by objects of class: [POSIXct,POSIXt] TZ: America/Chicago
xts Attributes:  

u2 <- merge(z,yahoo.xts2)
# [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" 

tail(u2, 3)
# D.30        D.60        D.90       D.120        D.150 XOM.Close
# 2017-10-25 -0.1966798  0.05478650 0.002688985 -0.05971685  0.048184107     83.17
# 2017-10-26 -0.1903972  0.04351491 0.004933078 -0.08677770 -0.003212736     83.47
# 2017-10-27  0.9153134 -0.20238893 0.132697099  0.28339465 -0.131821053     83.71


z3 <- as.xts(as.data.frame(z), dateFormat="Date")
tail(merge(z3, yahoo.xts))

# D.30        D.60         D.90       D.120        D.150 XOM.Close
# 2017-10-20  0.17660154 -0.05302808  0.038288865  0.07426717 -0.010041446     83.11
# 2017-10-23 -0.91413207  0.26389589 -0.008009082 -0.33629938  0.106355724     83.24
# 2017-10-24 -0.06086527  0.10844974 -0.079842422 -0.08598157 -0.064068281     83.47
# 2017-10-25 -0.19667978  0.05478650  0.002688985 -0.05971685  0.048184107     83.17
# 2017-10-26 -0.19039716  0.04351491  0.004933078 -0.08677770 -0.003212736     83.47
# 2017-10-27  0.91531339 -0.20238893  0.132697099  0.28339465 -0.131821053     83.71

转换为 data.frame,然后使用适当的参数设置转换回 xts : dateFormat="Date" 。现在您正在使用一个 xts 对象,该对象的时间索引为 date 类型,没有时区问题:
class(index(merge(z3, yahoo.xts)))
#[1] "Date"

关于R 合并 XTS 时间序列导致重复的时间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47006059/


Python:使用 QUOTE_NONNUMERIC 写入 CSV,None 除外

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date - 如何在SAS中将日期格式d.m.yyyy转换为dd.mm.yyyy?

mysql - 在 MySQL 的日期字段中按年份分组

Git 更改与远程 merge 后丢失的文件(SourceTree,GitHub)

python - Pandas Dataframe 和 Series join 返回空 Dataframe 或 NaN 列

Git - merge 到 master 中总是会产生相同的冲突,即使上次已修复

r - 如何在 R Shiny 中显示来自 plotly_click 的许多点?


r - 如何将自定义 ggplot 别名存储为 .R 脚本中的 `list` 对象,并沿着所需的标签向量获取它们