android - 刷新消息队列以防止基于消息的泄漏。但是要刷新哪个 HandlerThread?

标签 android memory-leaks leakcanary

我基本上有描述的内存泄漏here由 LeakCanary 检测到。

LC stacktrace


public class ExampleDialogFragment extends AppCompatDialogFragment {

    public static ExampleDialogFragment newInstance() {
        return new ExampleDialogFragment();

    public Dialog onCreateDialog(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        return new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext())
                .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, (dialog, which) -> onClicked())

    private void onClicked() {
        if (getTargetFragment() instanceof Callbacks) {
            ((Callbacks) getTargetFragment()).onButtonClicked();

    private static void flushStackLocalLeaks() {
        final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.myLooper()); -> Looper.myQueue().addIdleHandler(() -> {
            Timber.d("Flushing on thread %s", Thread.currentThread().getName());
            handler.sendMessageDelayed(handler.obtainMessage(), 1000);
            return false; // we only want to flush once, not *every* 1000 mSec

    public interface Callbacks {
        void onButtonClicked();

我面临的问题是,在 LeakCanary 报告中,泄漏根源处的 HandlerThread 绝不是我期望的线程。有时是 ConnectivityThread , 有时是 HandlerThread , 其中 mName = "queued-work-looper" , 其他是 HandlerThread我的分析库使用。在这些情况下,它都不是主线程。我希望消息会从主线程泄漏。所以
  • 为什么这种泄漏发生在主线程以外的 HandlerThread/ConnectivityThread 上?
  • 我怎么知道哪个 HandlerThread 需要刷新?
  • 最佳答案

    我在 12 月在这里提交了问题: .

    核心问题是每个空闲的 HandlerThread 都保留了他们最后一次回收的 Message。


    import android.os.Handler
    import android.os.HandlerThread
    import android.os.Looper
    import java.util.concurrent.Executors
    import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS
    object AndroidLeaks {
       * HandlerThread instances keep local reference to their last handled message after recycling it.
       * That message is obtained by a dialog which sets on an OnClickListener on it and then never
       * recycles it, expecting it to be garbage collected but it ends up being held by the HandlerThread.
      fun flushHandlerThreads() {
        val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()
        val flushedThreadIds = mutableSetOf<Int>()
        // Wait 2 seconds then look for handler threads every 3 seconds.
          val newHandlerThreadsById = findAllHandlerThreads()
              .mapNotNull { thread ->
                val threadId = thread.threadId
                if (threadId == -1 || threadId in flushedThreadIds) {
                } else {
                  threadId to thread
          flushedThreadIds += { it.first }
              .map { it.second }
              .forEach { handlerThread ->
                var scheduleFlush = true
                val flushHandler = Handler(handlerThread.looper)
                flushHandler.onEachIdle {
                  if (scheduleFlush) {
                    scheduleFlush = false
                    // When the Handler thread becomes idle, we post a message to force it to move.
                    // Source:
                    try {
                        // Right after this postDelayed executes, the idle handler will likely be called
                        // again (if the queue is otherwise empty), so we'll need to schedule a flush
                        // again.
                        scheduleFlush = true
                      }, 1000)
                    } catch (ignored: RuntimeException) {
                      // If the thread is quitting, posting to it will throw. There is no safe and atomic way
                      // to check if a thread is quitting first then post it it.
        }, 2, 3, SECONDS)
      private fun Handler.onEachIdle(onIdle: () -> Unit) {
        try {
          // Unfortunately Looper.getQueue() is API 23. Looper.myQueue() is API 1.
          // So we have to post to the handler thread to be able to obtain the queue for that
          // thread from within that thread.
          post {
                .addIdleHandler {
        } catch (ignored: RuntimeException) {
          // If the thread is quitting, posting to it will throw. There is no safe and atomic way
          // to check if a thread is quitting first then post it it.
      private fun findAllHandlerThreads(): List<HandlerThread> {
        // Based on
        var rootGroup = Thread.currentThread().threadGroup!!
        while (rootGroup.parent != null) rootGroup = rootGroup.parent
        var threads = arrayOfNulls<Thread>(rootGroup.activeCount())
        while (rootGroup.enumerate(threads, true) == threads.size) {
          threads = arrayOfNulls(threads.size * 2)
        return threads.mapNotNull { if (it is HandlerThread) it else null }

    关于android - 刷新消息队列以防止基于消息的泄漏。但是要刷新哪个 HandlerThread?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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