git - 在 TFS/Git 2018 中创建 pull 请求时不需要的默认审阅者

标签 git tfs

在 TFS 2018(具体来说,我使用的是 Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 版本 16.131.27701.1)和 Git 中,每当我创建 pull 请求时,默认情况下都会自动分配项目的默认团队。有什么办法可以防止这种情况发生吗?开发人员有时会忘记删除默认团队,然后整个团队都会收到电子邮件通知,要求审查代码。

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不幸的是,这是 TFS 2018 版的设计行为。

它会自动将项目团队添加为审阅者,而不管您选择的 repo 。

但是对于Azure DevOps 2019和Azure DevOps Service,目前默认不添加reviewer。它与 New Navigation 一起发布。

enter image description here


When we first launched the pull request (PR) experience, we thought it would make sense to assign all PRs to the team context that you had selected when creating the PR. This behavior has been a frustration point, since many people did not notice the connection between the team context and the PR assignment. In fact, this has been one of our top UserVoice suggestions.

As part of the new navigation changes, we took the opportunity to change this default association with teams. You'll notice two changes:

  1. When creating a PR, no reviewers are added by default. The reviewers list does have a feature to make it easier to add individuals and groups that were added to PRs recently. The required reviewers policy can also help teams that want to ensure that specific reviewers are added to review their code.

  2. ...

更多详情请看官方发布:creates a PR without a default team as reviewer.

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