apache-flex - FlexBuilder/MXMLC : Profiling the build process?

标签 apache-flex flexbuilder

我注意到,最近,FlexBuilder 中的构建花费的时间比以前长得多(30 或 40 秒,而不是 3 或 4 秒)。分析这些构建以弄清楚是什么花费了这么多时间的最简单方法是什么?


您是否尝试清理您的项目? (项目-->清理)

来自 Adob​​e Live Docs:Performing a clean build

After a project has been built, subsequent builds affect only the resources that have been added  
or modified. To force the Flex Builder compiler to rebuild all resources in a project, you can 
perform a clean build. You might perform a clean build if, for example, you want to eliminate all 
potential sources of a problem you encountered when testing your application.

    1. Select Project > Clean from the main menu.
    2. Select the project (or projects) whose build files you want to discard and rebuild from scratch.
    3. Click OK.

关于apache-flex - FlexBuilder/MXMLC : Profiling the build process?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2223709/


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