visual-studio-2010 - Intellisense - 隐藏继承的成员?

标签 visual-studio-2010 intellisense

我和我的同事只是在讨论我们在 Visual Studio 中遇到的一个烦恼。如果您正在使用从另一个大类继承的类,例如 Controller ,您将在智能感知中拥有大量继承成员。有时,您只想查看自己定义的成员,而不必在大量其他事物中查找事物。



Visual Assist X有这样的特点。它允许您将继承的成员推送到列表的末尾等:

Access non-inherited entries quickly by having them listed first. Scroll to see entries from base classes.

Enable this feature in the options dialog. Use in combination with bolding of non-inherited members and shrinking for optimal efficiency.

This feature can also be enabled or disabled dynamically from the filtering toolbar.

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