emacs - 设置 emacs shell

标签 emacs startup

当我重新启动 Emacs 时,我经常(每周)做这种事情:

  1. 打开连接到 RSH 服务器的 shell,执行一些命令,重命名缓冲区
  2. 对几台不同的远程机器重复步骤 1



这是一个启动 shell、ssh-es 到主机并在进入交互式 shell 之前运行命令的函数:

(defun start-remote-shell (host command)
  (shell (format "*shell-%s*" host))
  (sleep-for 0 500)  ; Wait half a second for the prompt to appear
  (insert (format "ssh -t %s %s'; exec bash -i'"
                  (shell-quote-argument host)
                  (shell-quote-argument (shell-quote-argument command))))

您可以将此片段放入您的.emacs 文件中,然后是您想要的特定调用,例如:

(start-remote-shell "server-one" "apache start")
(start-remote-shell "server-two" "mysql start")
(start-remote-shell "server-three" "foo start")

关于emacs - 设置 emacs shell,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11605478/


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