powershell - 如何在 PowerShell 中的函数结束时返回用户菜单

标签 powershell user-interface

我正在编写一个 PowerShell 脚本,它为用户提供了多个可供选择的选项。选择一个选项后,将执行一个功能,然后用户将返回到原始菜单。


function firstFunction {
    Write-Host "You chose option 1"

Write-Host "Welcome"

[int]$userMenuChoice = 0
while ( $userMenuChoice -lt 1 -or $userMenuChoice -gt 4){
    Write-Host "1. Menu Option 1"
    Write-Host "2. Menu Option 2"
    Write-Host "3. Menu Option 3"
    Write-Host "4. Quit and Exit"

[int]$userMenuChoice = Read-Host "Please choose an option"}
switch ($userMenuChoice) {
    2{Write-Host "You chose option 2"}
    3{Write-Host "You chose option 3"}
default {Write-Host "Nothing selected"}


将菜单代码放入一个不会终止的外部循环中,除非 $userMenuChoice 为 4:

do {
  [int]$userMenuChoice = 0
  while ( $userMenuChoice -lt 1 -or $userMenuChoice -gt 4) {
    Write-Host "1. Menu Option 1"
    Write-Host "2. Menu Option 2"
    Write-Host "3. Menu Option 3"
    Write-Host "4. Quit and Exit"

    [int]$userMenuChoice = Read-Host "Please choose an option"

    switch ($userMenuChoice) {
      2{Write-Host "You chose option 2"}
      3{Write-Host "You chose option 3"}
      default {Write-Host "Nothing selected"}
} while ( $userMenuChoice -ne 4 )

关于powershell - 如何在 PowerShell 中的函数结束时返回用户菜单,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16625086/


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