TFS 不加载自定义程序集

标签 tfs process build assemblies

我在尝试让我的构建 Controller /代理从我的构建过程模板中使用的引用中获取自定义程序集时遇到问题。


TFS Build Error Log ]


  1. 没有更新的 TFS 2012 Visual Studio 2013,更新 1(创建 事件并升级构建过程模板)

  2. 一个构建 Controller 与多个代理

  3. TFS 程序集在源代码管理中 checkin

Custom Assembly Checked In]

在重新启动服务的构建 Controller 中设置了正确的路径: [Build Controller Settings


Build Process Template - Custom Activity Resolving Correctly (assembly updater)

我可以在构建过程模板的 XAML 中查看引用,它看起来很好,没有验证错误,我的代码事件似乎已正确实现。


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Activities;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client;

namespace FireWatch.TFS
    public sealed class AssemblyUpdater : CodeActivity
        #region Static Methods

        #region Property Variables

        #region Constants and Read-Onlys
        private const string ASSEMBLY_VERSION_REG_EX = @"\(""\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+""\)";
        private const string ATTRIBUTE_REG_EX = "AssemblyVersion";

        #region Accessors

        public InArgument<int> Major { get; set; }
        public InArgument<int> Minor { get; set; }
        public InArgument<int> Build { get; set; }
        public InArgument<Workspace> Workspace { get; set; }


        #region Encapsulation

        private void UpdateAssemblyInfo(IEnumerable<string> assemblyInfos, int major, int minor, int build)
            foreach (string myAssemblyInfo in assemblyInfos)
                string myFileText = File.Exists(myAssemblyInfo) ? File.ReadAllText(myAssemblyInfo) : string.Empty;

                if (myFileText != string.Empty)
                    Regex myRegex = new Regex(ATTRIBUTE_REG_EX + ASSEMBLY_VERSION_REG_EX);
                    Match myMatch = myRegex.Match(myFileText);

                    if (myMatch.Success)
                        string myVersionNumber = myMatch.Value.Substring(ATTRIBUTE_REG_EX.Length + 2,
                                                 myMatch.Value.Length - ATTRIBUTE_REG_EX.Length - 4);

                        Version myCurrentVersion = new Version(myVersionNumber);
                        Version myNewVersion = new Version(major, minor, build, (myCurrentVersion.Revision + 1));

                        string myUpdatedAssemblyText = myRegex.Replace(myFileText, ATTRIBUTE_REG_EX + "(\"" + myNewVersion + "\")");

                        File.WriteAllText(myAssemblyInfo, myUpdatedAssemblyText);

        private void CheckOut(Workspace workspace, IList<string> assemblyInfos)
            if (workspace != null && assemblyInfos != null && assemblyInfos.Any())

        private IEnumerable<string> GetRelevantAssemblyInfos(Workspace workspace)
            IList<string> myReturn = new List<string>();

            PendingChange[] myPendingChanges = workspace.GetPendingChanges();

            foreach (PendingChange myPendingChange in myPendingChanges)
                string myPath = AssemblyInfoPresent(myPendingChange);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myPath))

            return myReturn;

        private string AssemblyInfoPresent(PendingChange pendingChange)
            string myReturn = string.Empty;

            if (pendingChange != null)
                string myParentDirectory = pendingChange.LocalItem;
                string myParentLevelAssemblyInfo = myParentDirectory + @"\AssemblyInfo.cs";

                string myPropertiesDirectory = pendingChange.LocalItem + @"\Properties";
                string myPropertiesLevelAssemblyInfo = myParentDirectory + @"\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs";

                if (Directory.Exists(myPropertiesDirectory) && File.Exists(myPropertiesLevelAssemblyInfo))
                    myReturn = myPropertiesLevelAssemblyInfo;
                else if (Directory.Exists(myParentDirectory) && File.Exists(myParentLevelAssemblyInfo))
                    myReturn = myParentLevelAssemblyInfo;

            return myReturn;


        #region CodeActivity Members

        protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
            int myMajor = context.GetValue(this.Major);
            int myMinor = context.GetValue(this.Minor);
            int myBuild = context.GetValue(this.Build);
            Workspace myWorkspace = context.GetValue(this.Workspace);

            IList<string> myAssemblyInfos = GetRelevantAssemblyInfos(myWorkspace).Distinct().ToList();

            if (myAssemblyInfos.Any())
                CheckOut(myWorkspace, myAssemblyInfos);
                UpdateAssemblyInfo(myAssemblyInfos, myMajor, myMinor, myBuild);






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