rest - Loopback - 如何使用 bulkUpdate 方法

标签 rest loopback

我目前正在使用 Loopback v3,并且想在一个集合中同时更新许多记录;我从文档 ( ) 中找到了这个方法 bulkUpsert,但我不知道如何让它工作。

如何根据文档中提到的 createUpdates() 方法创建 updates 数组?谁能帮我举一个使用此方法的简单示例?


有另一种方法可以执行 bulkUpdate 方法,可在 Stackoverflow 中找到 MongoDB aggregation on Loopback

mixin 可以很容易地在模型上创建和重用。我的 bulkUpsert mixin 示例代码如下:

Model.bulkUpsert = function(body, cb) {
    try {
      Model.getDataSource().connector.connect(async (err, db) => {
        if (err) {
          return cb(err);

        // Define variable to hold the description of the first set of validation errors found
        let validationErrors = '';

        // Build array of updateOne objects used for MongoDB connector's bulkWrite method
        const updateOneArray = [];

        // Loop through all body content and stop the loop if a validation error is found
        const hasError = body.some(row => {
          // Check if it is a valid model instance
          const instance = new Model(row);
          if (!instance.isValid()) {
            // A validation error has been found
            validationErrors = JSON.stringify(instance.errors);
            // By returning true we stop/break the loop
            return true;

          // Remove ID in the row
          const data = JSON.stringify(row);

          // Push into the update array
            updateOne: {
              filter: { _id: },
              update: { $set: Object.assign({ _id: }, data) },
              upsert: true

          // No validation error found
          return false;

        // Check if a validation error was found while looping through the body content
        if (hasError) {
          return cb(new Error(validationErrors));

        // No validation data error was found
        // Get database collection for model
        const collection = db.collection(;
        // Execute Bulk operation
        return collection.bulkWrite(updateOneArray, {}, (err, res) => {
          // Check if the process failed
          if (err) {
            console.err('The bulk upsert finished unsuccessfully', err);
            return cb(err);

          // Check if there were errors updating any record
          if (res.hasWriteErrors()) {
            console.error(`The bulk upsert had ${res.getWriteErrorCount()} errors`, res.getWriteErrors());

          // Finished successfully, return result
          return cb(null, {
            received: body.length,
            handled: res.upsertedCount + res.insertedCount + res.matchedCount
    catch (err) {
      console.error('A critical error occurred while doing bulk upsert', err);
      return cb(err);
    return null;

引用:Mongodb query documentation

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