.NET:CaSTLe 项目的现状如何?

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如果看到下载的最新版本是,请点击进入下载页面。一岁以上 它也“只是”一个 发布候选 版本 1.0。真的没有任何关于任何发展的消息。



这是怎么回事?任何 C# 3.0 特性在路上还是什么?


Hamilton Verissimo,项目创始人,took up a position with Microsoft在八月。

What happens to Castle?

That was a delicate subject to me, but surprisingly it wasn’t a problem to them. I got a written permission to keep working on Castle as much as I want. So nothing changes…

What happens to Castle Stronghold?

Albeit I was the frontman at CS, there’s a handful of talented people there. For the first time we were lucky hiring a junior developer - I couldn’t believe myself - and I’m positive the company will have a great future.

I’m going to have a small share of the company, but wont be involved anymore. Stronghold also just had a share sold to one of our clients, I’ll release details soon once it gets signed.

哈米特最近发布了关于 issues with .Net 3.5 SP1 的帖子,所以显然仍在努力,但也许更多的是从 MS 端收紧事情,而不是插入 CaSTLe 的开发。
还有其他开发者仍在发布每日构建等,开发者社区在 Google Groups 上仍然非常活跃。 ,如果不是也在项目主页上。

关于.NET:CaSTLe 项目的现状如何?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/145802/


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