r - quanteda 字典中的逻辑组合

标签 r quanteda

我正在使用 quanteda 字典查找。我将尝试制定可以查找单词逻辑组合的条目。


Teddybear = (fluffy AND adorable AND soft)

这可能吗?我只找到了一个解决方案来测试像 (Teddybear = (soft fluffy adorable)) 这样的短语。但它必须是文本中的精确短语匹配。但是我怎样才能得到忽略单词顺序的结果呢?


这目前在 quanteda (v1.2.0) 中无法直接实现。但是,有一些解决方法,您可以在其中创建字典序列,这些序列是所需序列的排列。这是一个这样的解决方案。

首先,我将创建一些示例文本。请注意,在某些情况下,序列由“,”或“and”分隔。此外,第三个文本只有两个短语而不是三个。 (稍后会详细介绍。)

txt <- c("The toy was fluffy, adorable and soft, he said.",
         "The soft, adorable, fluffy toy was on the floor.",
         "The fluffy, adorable toy was shaped like a bear.")

现在,让我们生成一对函数来从向量生成置换序列和子序列。这些将使用 combinat 包中的一些函数。第一个是生成排列的内部函数,第二个是主调用函数,可以生成全长排列或下至 subsample_limit 的任何子样本。 (当然,为了更普遍地使用它们,我会添加错误检查,但我在这个例子中跳过了它。)

genperms <- function(vec) {
    combs <- combinat::permn(vec)
    sapply(combs, paste, collapse = " ")

# vec any vector
# subsample_limit integer from 1 to length(vec), subsamples from
# which to return permutations; default is no subsamples
permutefn <- function(vec, subsample_limit = length(vec)) {
    ret <- character()
    for (i in length(vec):subsample_limit) {
        ret <- c(ret, 
                 unlist(lapply(combinat::combn(vec, i, simplify = FALSE), 


fas <- c("fluffy", "adorable", "soft")
# [1] "fluffy adorable soft" "fluffy soft adorable" "soft fluffy adorable"
# [4] "soft adorable fluffy" "adorable soft fluffy" "adorable fluffy soft"

# and with subsampling:
permutefn(fas, 2)
#  [1] "fluffy adorable soft" "fluffy soft adorable" "soft fluffy adorable"
#  [4] "soft adorable fluffy" "adorable soft fluffy" "adorable fluffy soft"
#  [7] "fluffy adorable"      "adorable fluffy"      "fluffy soft"         
# [10] "soft fluffy"          "adorable soft"        "soft adorable" 

现在使用 tokens_lookup() 将这些应用于文本。我通过设置 remove_punct = TRUE 避免了标点符号问题。为了显示未替换的原始标记,我还使用了 exclusive = FALSE

tokens(txt, remove_punct = TRUE) %>%
    tokens_lookup(dictionary = dictionary(list(teddybear = permutefn(fas))),
                  exclusive = FALSE)
# tokens from 3 documents.
# text1 :
# [1] "The"      "toy"      "was"      "fluffy"   "adorable" "and"      "soft"    
# [8] "he"       "said"    
# text2 :
# [1] "The"      "TEDDYBEAR" "toy"       "was"       "on"        "the"      
# [8] "floor"    
# text3 :
# [1] "The"      "fluffy"   "adorable" "toy"      "was"      "shaped"   "like"    
# [8] "a"        "bear"   

这里第一种情况没有被抓到,因为第二个和第三个元素之间用“and”隔开。我们可以使用 tokens_remove() 删除它,然后获取匹配项:

tokens(txt, remove_punct = TRUE) %>%
    tokens_remove("and") %>%
    tokens_lookup(dictionary = dictionary(list(teddybear = permutefn(fas))),
                  exclusive = FALSE)
# tokens from 3 documents.
# text1 :
# [1] "The"       "toy"       "was"       "TEDDYBEAR" "he"        "said"     
# text2 :
# [1] "The"       "TEDDYBEAR" "toy"       "was"       "on"        "the"       "floor"    
# text3 :
# [1] "The"      "fluffy"   "adorable" "toy"      "was"      "shaped"   "like"    
# [8] "a"        "bear"  

最后,为了匹配三个字典元素中仅存在两个的第三个文本,我们可以将 2 作为 subsample_limit 参数传递:

tokens(txt, remove_punct = TRUE) %>%
    tokens_remove("and") %>%
    tokens_lookup(dictionary = dictionary(list(teddybear = permutefn(fas, 2))), 
                  exclusive = FALSE)
# tokens from 3 documents.
# text1 :
# [1] "The"       "toy"       "was"       "TEDDYBEAR" "he"        "said"     
# text2 :
# [1] "The"       "TEDDYBEAR" "toy"       "was"       "on"        "the"       "floor"    
# text3 :
# [1] "The"       "TEDDYBEAR" "toy"       "was"       "shaped"    "like"      "a"        
# [8] "bear" 

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