
标签 scrapy



<div class="fruit">
    <div class="infos">
        <h2 class="Name">Banana</h2>
        <span class="edible">Edible: Yes</span>
    <p class="color">Yellow</p>


您可以使用 XPath 表达式,如 //comment()获取评论内容,然后在剥离评论标签后解析该内容。

示例scrapy shell session :

paul@wheezy:~$ scrapy shell 
In [1]: doc = """<div class="fruit">
   ...:     <div class="infos">
   ...:         <h2 class="Name">Banana</h2>
   ...:         <span class="edible">Edible: Yes</span>
   ...:     </div>
   ...:     <!--
   ...:     <p class="color">Yellow</p>
   ...:     -->
   ...: </div>"""

In [2]: from scrapy.selector import Selector

In [4]: selector = Selector(text=doc, type="html")

In [5]: import re

In [6]: regex = re.compile(r'<!--(.*)-->', re.DOTALL)

In [7]: selector.xpath('//comment()').re(regex)
Out[7]: [u'\n    <p class="color">Yellow</p>\n    ']

In [8]: comment = selector.xpath('//comment()').re(regex)[0]

In [9]: commentsel = Selector(text=comment, type="html")

In [10]: commentsel.css('p.color')
Out[10]: [<Selector xpath=u"descendant-or-self::p[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' color ')]" data=u'<p class="color">Yellow</p>'>]

In [11]: commentsel.css('p.color').extract()
Out[11]: [u'<p class="color">Yellow</p>']

In [12]: commentsel.css('p.color::text').extract()
Out[12]: [u'Yellow']

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