php - 线程安全在 PHP 上下文中意味着什么?

标签 php thread-safety


Possible Duplicate:
What is thread safe or non thread safe in PHP


例如,PHP 中的 setlocale() 不是线程安全的:

The locale information is maintained per process, not per thread. If you are running PHP on a multithreaded server API like IIS or Apache on Windows, you may experience sudden changes in locale settings while a script is running, though the script itself never called setlocale(). This happens due to other scripts running in different threads of the same process at the same time, changing the process-wide locale using setlocale().





Thread safety is a computer programming concept applicable in the context of multi-threaded programs. A piece of code is thread-safe if it only manipulates shared data structures in a thread-safe manner, which enables safe execution by multiple threads at the same time. There are various strategies for making thread-safe data structures.

Source .

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