go - UDP 永远读取 block

标签 go networking udp

我有一个在 Go 中创建的简单 UDP 结构,当我运行以下代码时,它会永远阻塞。作为引用,我的服务器的地址在运行客户端的同一台计算机上运行,​​但服务器监听的端口和地址与客户端绑定(bind)的端口和地址不同。

var client Clientee

client.Create("the address of my server")

err, messages := client.Read() // <-- HERE IT BLOCKS FOREVER
if err != nil { panic(err) }

fmt.Printf("Messages: %s", messages)


package controllers

import (

const (
    BUF_SIZE = 1024
    CLIENT_PORT = "4097"
    SERVER_PORT = "4096"

type Clientee struct {
    ClServerAddr *net.UDPAddr
    ClLocalAddr *net.UDPAddr
    ClConn *net.UDPConn
    ClWasShutdown bool

// Initialize and connect the Clientee
func (c *Clientee) Create(hostAddr string) error {
    var err error


    // Resolve the server's address
    c.ClServerAddr, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", hostAddr+":"+SERVER_PORT)
    if err != nil { return err }
    fmt.Println("Server addr = ",c.ClServerAddr.String())

    // Resolve our local address
    c.ClLocalAddr, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", ":"+CLIENT_PORT)
    if err != nil { return err }

    // Create the connection
    c.ClConn, err = net.ListenUDP("udp", c.ClLocalAddr)
    if err != nil { return err }

    // Pause

    return nil

// Send a message to the Server
func (c *Clientee) Send(msg string) error {
    _, err := c.ClConn.WriteToUDP([]byte(msg), c.ClServerAddr)
    if err!=nil { return err }

    return nil

// Read messages from the Server
func (c *Clientee) Read() (error, string) {
    bfr:=make([]byte, BUF_SIZE) // Make the buffer
    n, addr, err := c.ClConn.ReadFromUDP(bfr)
    if err!=nil { return err, "" }

    // If the message doesn't come from the server, don't return it
    if addr.String()!=c.ClServerAddr.String() {
        return nil, ""

    return nil, string(bfr[0:n])

// Close the Connection.
func (c *Clientee) Close() error {
        return c.ClConn.Close()


ReadFromUDP 将阻塞,直到收到东西。 docs推荐您到ReadFrom上面写着“ReadFrom 实现了 PacketConn ReadFrom 方法。”。看着PacketConn文档,您会发现以下内容:

ReadFrom reads a packet from the connection, copying the payload into p. It returns the number of bytes copied into p and the return address that was on the packet. It returns the number of bytes read (0 <= n <= len(p)) and any error encountered. Callers should always process the n > 0 bytes returned before considering the error err.

ReadFrom can be made to time out and return an Error with Timeout() == true after a fixed time limit; see SetDeadline and SetReadDeadline.

  • 使用SetDeadlineSetReadDeadline设定最后期限。
  • 运行ReadFromUDP在 goroutine 中处理接收到的数据(可能包括将接收到的数据放入 channel )

  • 注意:调用ReadFromUDP长度为零的缓冲区可能不会阻塞,但这取决于 operating system implementation所以可能不是可以依赖的东西。

    关于go - UDP 永远读取 block ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60217773/



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