go - 如何在for循环中使用两个initStmt?

标签 go tree


        3                               3
      /   \                           /   \
     /     \                         /     \
    1       2                       1       2
          /   \                            /
         /     \                          /
        1       1                        1


    1) Tree has root label and list of branches
    2) Each branch is again a tree

type Tree struct {
    rootLabel int
    branches  []Tree

func addTrees(t1 Tree, t2 Tree) Tree {
    if isLeaf(t1) {
        return Tree{}
    firstTreeBranches := branches(t1)
    secondTreeBranches := branches(t2)
    for branch1:= firstTreeBranches[0], branch2:= secondTreeBranches[0];;{

func branches(t Tree) []Tree {
    return t.branches

我想进行递归调用 addTrees(branch1,branch2)在上面的代码中。
如何使用 for-loop 语法从两棵树中获取分支?



for branch1, branch2 := firstTreeBranches[0], secondTreeBranches[0] ; ; {
Try it on the playground .引用 Variable declaration了解更多信息。

关于go - 如何在for循环中使用两个initStmt?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63542065/


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