http - 是否可以同时运行 http.ListenAndServe() AND ReadFromUDP() ?

标签 http go udp

我正在尝试编写一个简单的 Web 应用程序来监听 UDP 数据包。

但我要么只能监听 UDP 数据包,要么运行网络应用程序......
我不熟悉 GoLang,但这是我用来...
监听 UDP:

 ServerConn, _ := net.ListenUDP("udp", &net.UDPAddr{IP:[]byte{#,#,#,#},Port:####,Zone:""})
  defer ServerConn.Close()
  buf := make([]byte, 1024)

  for {
    n, addr, _ := ServerConn.ReadFromUDP(buf)
    fmt.Println("Received ", string(buf[0:n]), " from ", addr)

    package main
We import 4 important libraries 
1. “net/http” to access the core go http functionality
2. “fmt” for formatting our text
3. “html/template” a library that allows us to interact with our html file.
4. "time" - a library for working with date and time.
import (

//Create a struct that holds information to be displayed in our HTML file
type Welcome struct {
   Name string
   Time string

//Go application entrypoint
func main() {
   //Instantiate a Welcome struct object and pass in some random information. 
   //We shall get the name of the user as a query parameter from the URL
   welcome := Welcome{"Anonymous", time.Now().Format(time.Stamp)}

   //We tell Go exactly where we can find our html file. We ask Go to parse the html file (Notice
   // the relative path). We wrap it in a call to template.Must() which handles any errors and halts if there are fatal errors

   templates := template.Must(template.ParseFiles("templates/welcome-template.html"))

   //Our HTML comes with CSS that go needs to provide when we run the app. Here we tell go to create
   // a handle that looks in the static directory, go then uses the "/static/" as a url that our
   //html can refer to when looking for our css and other files. 

   http.Handle("/static/", //final url can be anything
         http.FileServer(http.Dir("static")))) //Go looks in the relative "static" directory first using http.FileServer(), then matches it to a
         //url of our choice as shown in http.Handle("/static/"). This url is what we need when referencing our css files
         //once the server begins. Our html code would therefore be <link rel="stylesheet"  href="/static/stylesheet/...">
         //It is important to note the url in http.Handle can be whatever we like, so long as we are consistent.

   //This method takes in the URL path "/" and a function that takes in a response writer, and a http request.
   http.HandleFunc("/" , func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

      //Takes the name from the URL query e.g ?name=Martin, will set welcome.Name = Martin.
      if name := r.FormValue("name"); name != "" {
         welcome.Name = name;
      //If errors show an internal server error message
      //I also pass the welcome struct to the welcome-template.html file.
      if err := templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "welcome-template.html", welcome); err != nil {
         http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

   //Start the web server, set the port to listen to 8080. Without a path it assumes localhost
   //Print any errors from starting the webserver using fmt
   fmt.Println(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil));


我尝试将这两个提取物放在 1 个文件中,并使用同时运行 2 个文件
go run *.go



您将需要开始研究 goroutines - 因为您要求同时做两件事。我建议对 channel 、goroutines 和一般并发进行一些阅读:)

关于http - 是否可以同时运行 http.ListenAndServe() AND ReadFromUDP() ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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