go - 对于选择组问题

标签 go select concurrency channels

我正在尝试编写一个函数来执行多个作业,当所有作业完成后,我希望控件在 wg.Wait() 之后进行。我已经提到了不同的问题,我在代码的注释中面临。


func (q *ChanExecutor) Perform(ctx context.Context, name string, taskData *interface{}) chan *job.JobResult {
    var waitgroup sync.WaitGroup
    go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
        for j := range q.jobCh { // This is the channel which gives jobs
            go func(qq *ChanExecutor, jVal job.Job) { // we are just passing these values to closure. Is this necessary?
                jobResultChannel:= jVal.Do(ctx) // Here we are executing the job as result which sends another channel of results
                donech := jVal.DoneCh() // Job returns another channel which tells if that job is done
                for true {
                    select {
                    case res := <-jobResultChannel:
                        q.result <- res // From the result we are passing that result to another channel
                    case syncJobDone := <-donech:
                        if syncJobDone {
                            donech = nil // here if the donech receives true it should come out of the select and for loop and the goroutine. How to do that?
                            // Another thing here, if the donech returns true before jobResultChannel then it should still go to jobResultChannel's case block
                            // The jVal.Do(ctx) executes the job and returns channel but in my case before starting the forloop both channels has values and donech has true value
            }(q, *j)
    go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup, qq *ChanExecutor) {
        time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond) // Here is another blunder. If I don't sleep here, randomly, it goes after wg.Wait()
        // even though all the jobs are not done.
        wg.Done() // REmoving the one which was added immediately after creating wg instance.
        fmt.Println("Wait finish")
    }(&waitgroup, q)
    fmt.Printf("returning result channel not result")
    return q.result


首先,您应该删除 sleep 和 wg.Done从第二个 goroutine 开始。它有时会在没有 sleep 的情况下失败,因为有时第一个 goroutine 没有机会添加到 wg在第二个删除它之前。

其次,您正在尝试终止 goroutine,因此请执行以下操作:

if syncJobDone {

关于go - 对于选择组问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61216771/


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