file - 如何创建golang热文件夹只修改一次文件

标签 file go

因此,我希望看到任何放入的新文件(通过循环和 sleep 很容易)并更改文件,但只执行一次,因为其他进程需要出现并使用此文件。
我在 Go 中编写了许多类似的应用程序,但总是被允许移动文件。


下面是我想出的代码: 接受有关如何使用 Seeker 执行此操作的建议,因为我只删除文件中的一行文本。

package main

import (

const dir = "dir00003"

func main() {


//Go into a loop forever
for {

    //Wait 60 seconds before taking any action. 
    time.Sleep(60 * time.Second)
    //Read all of the file data for all files in the directory: 
    files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
    if err != nil {fmt.Println("Failed to read transfer folder. There must be a folder named `dir00003`!"); continue}

    for _, v := range files {

        //if this is an index file, skip over it as we don't care: 
        if strings.Contains(v.Name(), "pmi") {continue}

        //if the file was created within the last 2 minutes, we should check if we need to modify it
        if time.Now().Sub(v.ModTime()) < (time.Minute * 2) {

            //open the file 
            f, err := os.Open(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", dir, v.Name()))
            if err != nil {fmt.Printf("\tCouldn't open file: %s\n", v.Name()); continue}

            defer f.Close()
            //read all of the bytes of the file
            bs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
            if err != nil {fmt.Printf("\tCouldn't read bytes from %s\n", v.Name()); continue}

            //see if the <program_parameters/> tag is in the file
            b := bytes.Contains(bs, []byte("<program_parameters/>"))

            //if the tag is in the file, we should replace it, otherwise we move on to the next file
            if b {
                //replace the tag with nothing. Only look for the first instance and then abort the process of replacing.
                rbs := bytes.Replace(bs, []byte("<program_parameters/>"), []byte(""), 1)
                //close the file so we can delete it. 
                //delete the exisint file. 
                os.Remove(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", dir, v.Name()))

                //create a new file with the same original name:
                nf, err := os.Create(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", dir, v.Name()))
                if err != nil {fmt.Printf("\tFailed to create new file for %s\n", v.Name()); continue}

                //write all of the bytes that we have in memory to our new file. 
                _, err = nf.Write(rbs)
                if err != nil {fmt.Println("Failed to write to new file %s\n", v.Name()); continue}
                //close our new file

                fmt.Printf("Modified new file: %s", v.Name())

            } else {




    fmt.Printf("\nDone with round\n")




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