go - 测试来自GitHub.com/Shopify/sarama的日志输出

标签 go sarama

我正在尝试为配置 github.com/Shopify/sarama Logger的功能选项编写单元测试。像这样用Kafka运行Docker容器后,

docker run -p 2181:2181 -p 9092:9092 -e ADVERTISED_HOST=  -e NUM_PARTITIONS=10 johnnypark/kafka-zookeeper
package main

import (


func main() {
    var b bytes.Buffer
    out := bufio.NewWriter(&b)

    sarama.Logger = log.New(out, "[Sarama] ", log.LstdFlags)

    if _, err := sarama.NewClient([]string{"localhost:9092"}, sarama.NewConfig()); err != nil {
        log.Fatalln("NewClient:", err)

    output, err := ioutil.ReadAll(&b)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalln("ReadAll:", err)

    log.Printf("output: %s", output)
> go run main.go
2020/09/25 16:44:58 output: 
package main

import (


func main() {
    sarama.Logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "[Sarama] ", log.LstdFlags)

    if _, err := sarama.NewClient([]string{"localhost:9092"}, sarama.NewConfig()); err != nil {
        log.Fatalln("NewClient:", err)
> go run main.go
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:46:04 Initializing new client
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:46:04 ClientID is the default of 'sarama', you should consider setting it to something application-specific.
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:46:04 ClientID is the default of 'sarama', you should consider setting it to something application-specific.
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:46:04 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker localhost:9092
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:46:04 Connected to broker at localhost:9092 (unregistered)
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:46:04 client/brokers registered new broker #0 at
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:46:04 Successfully initialized new client



> go run main.go
2020/09/25 16:58:26 output: [Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:58:26 Initializing new client
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:58:26 ClientID is the default of 'sarama', you should consider setting it to something application-specific.
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:58:26 ClientID is the default of 'sarama', you should consider setting it to something application-specific.
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:58:26 client/metadata fetching metadata for all topics from broker localhost:9092
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:58:26 Connected to broker at localhost:9092 (unregistered)
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:58:26 client/brokers registered new broker #0 at
[Sarama] 2020/09/25 16:58:26 Successfully initialized new client

关于go - 测试来自GitHub.com/Shopify/sarama的日志输出,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64072565/


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