php - Paypal 错误 : user is not allowed to perform this action

标签 php permissions paypal payment paypal-adaptive-payments

我正在尝试使用 Paypal SOAP API 实现链式自适应支付。 在我的沙盒中它工作正常。现在我将代码移至实时 API。 当我使用主要收款人付款时,它会返回此错误:

user is not allowed to perform this action

我有我的帐户的应用程序 ID 和批准。我该如何解决这个错误?


我们也有这个问题,目前我们的应用程序只是有条件地获得批准。 top answer to this question on x.com似乎表明某些使用自适应支付 API 的操作,包括链式支付(我们遇到了问题)在应用程序获得有条件批准时将无法运行。

为了您的方便从那里引用 :)

we were getting this error when "conditionally approved" here is the answer from support

Thank you for contacting Merchant Services.

A transaction in "Conditionally Approved" status means that you will be able to process basic and parallel payments.

Please note that it may take several days for our app review team to completely approve your application so that you can process chained payments.

They should be in contact with you directly through if they need more information before approving it.

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