java - 使用 new 运算符在 Java 中进行整数缓存

标签 java instance equals


我检查了以下链接 links :

The more interesting question is why new Object(); should be required to create a unique instance every time? i. e. why is new Object(); not allowed to cache? The answer is the wait(...) and notify(...) calls. Caching new Object()s would incorrectly cause threads to synchronize with each other when they shouldn't.

如果有一个新对象,那么 ac 如何相等?

如果 b 等于 cc 等于 a,则 a 应该等于 b。但在以下情况下,我得到了 a != c.


class WrapperCompare {

    public static void main (String args[]) {
        Integer a = new Integer(10);    
        Integer b = 10; 
        int c=10;
        System.out.println(b==c);       //true
        System.out.println(a==b);       //false
        System.out.println(a==c);       //true

更新: 通过引用这个链接Integer caching .

Basically, the Integer class keeps a cache of Integer instances in the range of -128 to 127, and all autoboxing, literals and uses of Integer.valueOf() will return instances from that cache for the range it covers.




当你比较 Integer vs int== 时,它需要将 Integer 转换为 int。这称为拆箱

JLS§5.1.8 :

If r is a reference of type Integer, then unboxing conversion converts r into r.intValue()

此时,您正在比较 intint。原语没有实例的概念,它们都引用相同的值。因此,结果为 true


a.intValue() == c

导致比较 10 == 10,两个 int 值,不再有 Integer 实例。

当您比较 IntegerInteger 时,您可以看到 new Integer(...) 确实创建了新实例。你在 a == b 中做到了。


构造函数 new Integer(...)弃用。您应该改用 Integer#valueOf,它可能更快并且还使用内部缓存。来自 documentation :

Returns an Integer instance representing the specified int value. If a new Integer instance is not required, this method should generally be used in preference to the constructor Integer(int), as this method is likely to yield significantly better space and time performance by caching frequently requested values. This method will always cache values in the range -128 to 127, inclusive, and may cache other values outside of this range.

这里需要注意缓存,因为它使 == 再次为真(对于缓存的值):

Integer first = Integer.valueOf(10);
Integer second = Integer.valueOf(10);
System.out.println(first == second); // true

-128+127 之间的值保证缓存,但也可以用于其他值。

还要注意,您的 b 实际上是从缓存中出来的,因为

Integer b = 10;
// same as
Integer b = Integer.valueOf(10);
// and not
Integer b = new Integer(10);

所以 boxing 会通过 Integer 的缓存(参见 JLS§5.1.7)。

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