ios - EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000200 向图像添加过滤器时

标签 ios swift cifilter

我正在尝试将图像更改为黑白,这些图像是从服务调用中提供的,一旦获得图像,我就会应用黑色滤镜将它们更改为黑白。我只在 iOS 13 上遇到过这个悬空指针异常,其他 iOS 版本没有这个问题。


extension UIImage {

    var noir: UIImage? {

        let context = CIContext(options: nil)

        guard let currentFilter = CIFilter(name: "CIPhotoEffectNoir") else {
            return nil

        currentFilter.setValue(CIImage(image: self), forKey: kCIInputImageKey)

        if let output = currentFilter.outputImage,
            let cgImage = context.createCGImage(output, from: output.extent) {
            return UIImage(cgImage: cgImage, scale: scale, orientation: imageOrientation)

        return nil

var member: Faculty? {
    didSet {
        guard let lecturer = self.member else {

            atPath: lecturer.thumbnailPath,
            process: { (image: UIImage) -> UIImage in

                if lecturer.Id != nil {
                    return image.noir!.withRenderingMode(.alwaysOriginal)
                }  else {
                    return image.withRenderingMode(.alwaysOriginal)
            success: { [weak self] (path: String, image: UIImage) -> Void in
                guard let strongSelf = self else { return }

                if path == strongSelf.member?.imagePath {
                    self.imageButton.setImage(image, for: .normal)
            failure: { () -> Void in



Crashed: com.imas.MNT.HTTPSessionSharedCompletionQueue
0  CoreImage                      0x19e748aa4 CI::GLContext::init() + 88
1  CoreImage                      0x19e748a80 CI::GLContext::init() + 52
2  CoreImage                      0x19e748df0 CI::GLContext::GLContext(CI::GLContext::ShareContextInfo, CGColorSpace*, CGColorSpace*, CI::PixelFormat, bool, unsigned long, bool, bool) + 416
3  CoreImage                      0x19e748e2c CI::GLContext::GLContext(CI::GLContext::ShareContextInfo, CGColorSpace*, CGColorSpace*, CI::PixelFormat, bool, unsigned long, bool, bool) + 24
4  CoreImage                      0x19e5cc988 +[CIContext(Internal) internalContextWithEAGLContext:options:] + 716
5  CoreImage                      0x19e5c9d88 -[CIContext initWithOptions:] + 484
6  GetHornet-AppStore             0x1049bf5f8 UIImage.noir.getter + 4330436088 (<compiler-generated>:4330436088)
7  GetHornet-AppStore             0x104d2d2b8 closure #2 in FacultyMemberCell.member.didset + 75 (FacultyMemberCell.swift:75)
8  GetHornet-AppStore             0x104ad7e24 thunk for @escaping @callee_guaranteed (@guaranteed UIImage) -> (@owned UIImage) + 4331585060 (<compiler-generated>:4331585060)
9  GetHornet-AppStore             0x104954a94 __80-[FacultyService imageAtPath:progress:process:success:failure:]_block_invoke + 125 (FacultyService.m:125)
10 AFNetworking                   0x105cb4900 __116-[AFHTTPSessionManager dataTaskWithHTTPMethod:URLString:parameters:uploadProgress:downloadProgress:success:failure:]_block_invoke_2 + 301 (AFHTTPSessionManager.m:301)
11 AFNetworking                   0x105cc6640 __72-[AFURLSessionManagerTaskDelegate URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError:]_block_invoke_2.102 + 248 (AFURLSessionManager.m:248)
12 libdispatch.dylib              0x19ca3e610 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24
13 libdispatch.dylib              0x19ca3f184 _dispatch_client_callout + 16
14 libdispatch.dylib              0x19ca1c85c _dispatch_lane_serial_drain$VARIANT$armv81 + 896
15 libdispatch.dylib              0x19ca1d128 _dispatch_lane_invoke$VARIANT$armv81 + 400
16 libdispatch.dylib              0x19ca2643c _dispatch_workloop_worker_thread + 576
17 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x19ca8eb88 _pthread_wqthread + 276
18 libsystem_pthread.dylib        0x19ca91760 start_wqthread + 8

检查 Firebase Crashlytics,我注意到 Keys 部分中的以下行:

CoreUI: deallocating _CUIInternalLinkRendition 205 /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreGlyphs.bundle/


这很可能是编译器或 Core Image 框架的错误。

我鼓励您在 Feedback Assistant 上提交错误报告.

如果你看this thread从 Apple 论坛中,以前有过类似的问题,您可能只需要等待 Apple 解决它...

还有其他人遇到了您的特定错误消息,How to fix warning "CoreUI: RunTimeThemeRefForBundleIdentifierAndName() couldn't find in bundle with identifier: '(null)'"?

您还可以尝试发布使用最新 Xcode 版本构建的应用程序的新版本,并希望相关客户更新应用程序并解决问题。

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