php - Apache Solr 搜索自动完成

标签 php apache drupal solr autocomplete

我正在使用 apache solr 搜索引擎来实现我的站点搜索。我能够设置 Apache Solr Search模块,现在我的搜索正在按我的需要进行。现在我尝试在 Apache Solr Autocomplete 的帮助下实现搜索自动完成功能模块,但问题是我试图将节点标题显示为建议列表而不是关键字。最后我找到了这个 tutorial并尝试过,我似乎在工作,但现在我遇到了 AJAX HTTP 错误 (500)。我在我的 drupal 错误日志中发现了 4 条错误消息:-

Notice: Undefined index: facet.prefix in apachesolr_autocomplete_suggest() (line 461 of /home/test/webroot/sites/all/modules/apachesolr_autocomplete/apachesolr_autocomplete.module).

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in apachesolr_autocomplete_suggest() (line 470 of /home/test/webroot/sites/all/modules/apachesolr_autocomplete/apachesolr_autocomplete.module).

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in apachesolr_autocomplete_suggest() (line 470 of /home/test/webroot/sites/all/modules/apachesolr_autocomplete/apachesolr_autocomplete.module).

Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$payslip in apachesolr_autocomplete_suggest() (line 469 of /home/test/webroot/sites/all/modules/apachesolr_autocomplete/apachesolr_autocomplete.module).


这是当前 Apache Solr 自动完成的样子(下图),在此建议列表中,他们列出了搜索索引中的搜索关键字。我要做的是在此建议列表中列出节点标题。

enter image description here



首先,您应该捕获 Solr 查询,它会在您点击搜索时执行。

我使用 solr 级别模块来捕获查询。然后用钩子(Hook)创建你自己的模块。

 * Implements hook_menu().
function mymodule_menu() {
    $items = array();

    //create a call back for autocomplete search box
    $items['searchauto/autocomplete'] = array(
        'page callback' => 'mymodule_search_autocomplete',
        //'access arguments' => array('access search autocomplete'),
        'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
        'access arguments' => array('access content'),

    return $items;

* hook_form_FORM_ID_alter
* solr search form text box autocomplete
function mymodule_form_search_block_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {

    $form['search_block_form'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#autocomplete_path' => 'searchauto/autocomplete',

* call back function for autocomplete
function mymodule_search_autocomplete($string) {

    $results = array();
    $matches = array();

    //replace the space with %20
    $key = preg_replace('/[[:space:]]+/', '%20', $string);
    //number of results you want to show
    $num_result = 15;
    //your Solr server path
    $solr_server = "http://locathost/solr";

    //this is the trick. first you should capture the Solr query, which executed when you hit search. I use the Solr level module to catch the query. you can change parameters if you want, I'm only changing the search keyword and number of results
    $request_url = $solr_server."/select?start=0&rows=$num_result&&spellcheck=true&q=$key&fl=id%2Centity_id%2Centity_type%2Cbundle%2Cbundle_name%2Clabel%2Css_language%2Cis_comment_count%2Cds_created%2Cds_changed%2Cscore%2Cpath%2Curl%2Cis_uid%2Ctos_name%2Czm_parent_entity%2Css_filemime%2Css_file_entity_title%2Css_file_entity_url&mm=1&pf=content%5E2.0&ps=15&hl=true&hl.fl=content&hl.snippets=3&hl.mergeContigious=true&f.content.hl.alternateField=teaser&f.content.hl.maxAlternateFieldLength=256&spellcheck.q=$key&qf=content%5E40&qf=label%5E21.0&qf=tags_h1%5E3.0&qf=tags_h2_h3%5E3.0&qf=tags_inline%5E1.0&qf=taxonomy_names%5E2.0&qf=tos_name%5E3.0&facet=true&facet.sort=count&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=im_field_taxonomy_app_cat&f.im_field_taxonomy_app_cat.facet.limit=50&f.im_field_taxonomy_app_cat.facet.mincount=1&boost=eff_popularity&debugQuery=on&wt=json&";
    // Retrieve data from the external API
    $response = drupal_http_request($request_url);

    // Check the HTTP response code to see if a valid response was received
    if($response->code >= 200 && $response->code < 300) {

        //make sure response has values
            $results = (array) json_decode($response->data);
            //store the values into an array
                $arrResults = $results['response']->docs;

        //check array count
        if(count($arrResults) > 0){
            //loop the results and add to array for json return data
            foreach($arrResults as $row){
                //print $row->label;
                //print "<br>";
                $matches[$row->url] = $row->label;

            $matches[''] = "No Results Found!";
        $matches[''] = "Check server settings!";

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