json - 从将Json字符串转换为Struct解析错误

标签 json parsing go



package main

import (
    //mapstructure "github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure"


type presence struct{
    id string 
    m_type string 
    deny string 
type jsonHandler struct {
    name string 
    dat map[string]interface{}


func main() {
    s := `["Presence",{"id":"905356870666@c.us","type":"unavailable","deny":true}]`
    data := jsonHandler{}
    json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &data)
    fmt.Printf("Operation: %s", data.name)


输出 :




package main

import (

type Presence struct {
    Presence string
    ID       string `json:"id"`
    Type     string `json:"type"`
    Deny     bool   `json:"deny"`

type JsonHandler struct {
    Name string   `json:"name"`
    Dat  Presence `json:"dat"`

func main() {
    var (
        // Used for unmarshal a given json
        packedData []json.RawMessage
        err        error
        // Data that does not have a related json key
        name []byte
        // Used for extract the raw data that will be unmarshalled into the Presence struct
        temp []byte
        // Nested json
        jsonPresence Presence
        handler      JsonHandler

    s := `["Presence",{"id":"905356870666@c.us","type":"unavailable","deny":true}]`

    log.Println("Dealing with -> " + s)

    // Unmarshall into a raw json message
    err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(s), &packedData)
    if err != nil {

    // Extract the presence
    log.Println("Presence: ", string(packedData[0]))
    // Extract the nested json
    log.Println("Packed: ", string(packedData[1]))

    // NOTE: 0 refers to the first value of the JSON
    name, err = packedData[0].MarshalJSON()
    if err != nil {
    log.Println("Value that does not have a key: " + string(name))
    handler.Name = strings.Replace(string(name), "\"", "", -1)

    // NOTE: 1 refers to the second value of the JSON, the entire JSON
    // Unmarshal the nested Json into byte
    temp, err = packedData[1].MarshalJSON()
    if err != nil {

    // Unmarshal the raw byte into the struct
    err = json.Unmarshal(temp, &jsonPresence)
    if err != nil {

    log.Println("ID:", jsonPresence.ID)
    log.Println("Type:", jsonPresence.Type)
    log.Println("Deny:", jsonPresence.Deny)

    handler.Dat = jsonPresence

    log.Println("Data unmarshalled: ", handler)

关于json - 从将Json字符串转换为Struct解析错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59468005/


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