json - 无需启动双引号的json标记有效

标签 json go struct


type req struct {
    Name        string `json:name"`

我在go1.13 linux/amd64上。



type req struct {
    Name string

引用 json.Marhsal() :

Struct values encode as JSON objects. Each exported struct field becomes a member of the object, using the field name as the object key, unless the field is omitted for one of the reasons given below.

go vet报告不遵循 reflect.StructTag 概述的“惯例”的标签:

By convention, tag strings are a concatenation of optionally space-separated key:"value" pairs. Each key is a non-empty string consisting of non-control characters other than space (U+0020 ' '), quote (U+0022 '"'), and colon (U+003A ':'). Each value is quoted using U+0022 '"' characters and Go string literal syntax.

Go Playground上运行它(也运行go vet):
./prog.go:9:2: struct field tag `json:name"` not compatible with reflect.StructTag.Get: bad syntax for struct tag value
Go vet exited.

{"Name":"john"} <nil>

关于json - 无需启动双引号的json标记有效,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59796401/


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