php - 预加载PHP脚本时 "Unknown type dependencies"是什么意思?

标签 php preloading php-7.4

我正在尝试使用新的 preloading feature自 PHP 7.4 起可用。

我运行 composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader 来生成项目中所有可用类的列表,并使用以下 preload.php预加载它们的脚本:

$files = require 'vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php';

foreach (array_unique($files) as $file) {

并在我的 opcache.ini 文件中配置这个预加载脚本:


并重新启动 php-fpm。现在 systemctl status php-fpm.service 报告以下警告:

PHP Warning: Can't preload unlinked class Brick\Money\Context\CashContext: Unknown type dependencies in ... on line 16
PHP Warning: Can't preload unlinked class Brick\Money\Context\AutoContext: Unknown type dependencies in ... on line 17
PHP Warning: Can't preload unlinked class Brick\Math\BigRational: Unknown type dependencies in ... on line 17
PHP Warning: Can't preload unlinked class Brick\Math\BigInteger: Unknown type dependencies in ... on line 20
PHP Warning: Can't preload unlinked class Brick\Math\BigDecimal: Unknown type dependencies in ... on line 15


注意:我是有问题的库的维护者 Brick\MathBrick\Money ,所以如果这些需要修改以使其可预加载,我洗耳恭听!


这意味着 PHP 在运行时无法在预加载文件中找到类。 This only happens when there might be methods that are incompatible :

Preloading: Relax known type restrictions
Check whether there is a parent/interface/trait method with the same name and only then require the type to be known. This reduces the number of cases where this triggers in practice a lot.

预加载的文件不使用 Composer 自动加载器,因此没有预加载的类将不存在。

Symfony 通过 creating a Preloader class 修复了这个问题可以加载它的依赖项。这是 how to use it预加载 LoaderInterfaceAnnotationClassLoder:

// preload.php
$classes[] = 'Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\LoaderInterface';
$classes[] = 'Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\AnnotationClassLoader';



如果您允许预加载失败是硬错误​​,请使用 answer from NikiC :

To avoid dependency issues, you can preload using require instead of opcache_compile_file(). This will handle circular dependencies fine, but will hard error if preloading fails (instead of just warning).

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