ios - Swift:非通用结构中的通用初始化

标签 ios swift generics


struct MyStruct {
    let aBool: Bool
    let aInt: Int
    let aHashable: Hashable?


Protocol 'Hashable' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements

struct MyStruct<T> where T: Hashable {
    let aBool: Bool
    let aInt: Int
    let aHashable: T?

struct MyStruct<T> where T: Hashable {
    let aBool: Bool
    let aInt: Int
    let aHashable: T?

    init(aBool: Bool, aInt: Int) {
        self.init(aBool: aBool, aInt: aInt, aHashable: nil)

    init(aHashable: T?) {
        self.init(aBool: false, aInt: 0, aHashable: aHashable)

    private init(aBool: Bool, aInt: Int, aHashable: T?) {
        self.aBool = aBool
        self.aInt = aInt
        self.aHashable = aHashable

let myStruct = MyStruct(aBool: true, aInt: 10)


Generic parameter 'T' could not be inferred

struct MyStruct {
    let aBool: Bool
    let aInt: Int
    let aHashable: T?

    init(aBool: Bool, aInt: Int) {
        self.init(aBool: aBool, aInt: aInt, aHashable: nil)

    init<T>(aHashable: T?) where T: Hashable {
        self.init(aBool: false, aInt: 0, aHashable: aHashable)

    private init<T>(aBool: Bool, aInt: Int, aHashable: T?) where T: Hashable {
        self.aBool = aBool
        self.aInt = aInt
        self.aHashable = aHashable

我仍然收到错误消息。这次上let aHashable: T?存储属性:

Use of undeclared type 'T'



T在这种情况下,您想要的是 Never ,因为它永远不会有值。要定义这种 init,您需要将它限制在这样的扩展中:

extension MyStruct where T == Never {
    init(aBool: Bool, aInt: Int) {
        self.init(aBool: aBool, aInt: aInt, aHashable: nil)

IMO,Swift 也应该允许这样做:
init(aBool: Bool, aInt: Int) where T == Never {...}

但这不是目前合法的 Swift。你必须把它放在一个扩展中。这只是一个语法问题。

struct MyStruct<T> where T: Hashable {
    let aBool: Bool
    let aInt: Int
    let aHashable: T?

    init(aHashable: T?) {
        self.init(aBool: false, aInt: 0, aHashable: aHashable)

    private init(aBool: Bool, aInt: Int, aHashable: T?) {
        self.aBool = aBool
        self.aInt = aInt
        self.aHashable = aHashable

extension MyStruct where T == Never {
    init(aBool: Bool, aInt: Int) {
        self.init(aBool: aBool, aInt: aInt, aHashable: nil)

let myStruct = MyStruct(aBool: true, aInt: 10)

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