
标签 r

我使用 extract_tables() 从 PDF 文件中提取了一个表格,但文本已分散在多行中。每个记录的行数各不相同。我想将文本组合成一个值。

我想做的类似于 this post 。不同之处在于我的文本位于多列中。每个条目使用的记录数是可变的,具体取决于每次不同的列。

示例:一个条目可能占用四行,因为“名称和位置”列分布在四行中(而其他列仅占用该条目的两行;其余的填充为 NA)。对于另一个条目,由于“专业知识”列中文本的长度,文本可能会分布在 6 行中。

每次“Level”列包含值而不是 NA 时,都会开始一条新记录。 编辑:“级别”值不唯一


Name & location                 Expertise           Type            Sector               Payment            Level
 1:   Ms. Jane                  Student             Higher          Government and       payment               1
 2:   Doe,                      <NA>                Education       education            has been           <NA>
 3:   NUS                       <NA>                institute       <NA>                 received           <NA>
 4:   Andrew Saunders Phd.,     Chief               Municipal       Government and       payment               5
 5:   Municipality of           Education           government      education            has not            <NA>
 6:   Amsterdam                 Officer             <NA>            <NA>                 been               <NA>
 7:   <NA>                      <NA>                <NA>            <NA>                 received           <NA>
 8:   Mr. Stephen               Spokesperson for    Municipal       Government and       payment               3
 9:   Johnson,                  Sustainability,     government      education            has not            <NA>
10:   Orange County             Health &            <NA>            <NA>                 been               <NA>
11:   <NA>                      Wellbeing and       <NA>            <NA>                 received           <NA>
12:   <NA>                      Wellfare            <NA>            <NA>                 <NA>               <NA>
13:   Mrs. Susan                Junior              national        Government and       payment               4
14:   Andrews,                  Research            government      education            has not            <NA>
15:   Police                    Manager             <NA>            <NA>                 been               <NA>
16:   <NA>                      Money               <NA>            <NA>                 received           <NA>
17:   <NA>                      Laundering          <NA>            <NA>                 <NA>               <NA>


structure(list(`Name & location` = c("1:   Ms. Jane", "2:   Doe,", 
"3:   NUS", "4:   Andrew Saunders Phd.,", "5:   Municipality of", 
"6:   Amsterdam", "7:   <NA>", "8:   Mr. Stephen", "9:   Johnson,", 
"10:   Orange County", "11:   <NA>", "12:   <NA>", "13:   Mrs. Susan", 
"14:   Andrews,", "15:   Police", "16:   <NA>", "17:   <NA>"), 
    Expertise = c("Student", NA, NA, "Chief", "Education", "Officer", 
    NA, "Spokesperson for", "Sustainability,", "Health &", "Wellbeing and", 
    "Wellfare", "Junior", "Research", "Manager", "Money", "Laundering"
    ), Type = c("Higher", "Education", "Insititute", "Municipal", 
    "Government", NA, NA, "Municipal", "Government", NA, NA, 
    NA, "National", "Government", NA, NA, NA), Sector = c("Government and", 
    "education", NA, "Government and", "education", NA, NA, "Government and", 
    "education", NA, NA, NA, "Government and", "education", NA, 
    NA, NA), Payment = c("payment", "has been", "received", "Payment", 
    "has not", "been", "received", "Payment", "has not", "been", 
    "received", NA, "Payment", "has not", "been", "received", 
    NA), Level = c(1, NA, NA, 5, NA, NA, NA, 3, NA, NA, NA, NA, 
    4, NA, NA, NA, NA)), row.names = c(NA, -17L), class = c("tbl_df", 
"tbl", "data.frame"))


DF_clean <- DF %>% mutate(Level = ifelse(grepl(NA, Level))) %>%
  group_by(id = cumsum(!is.na(Level))) %>% 
  mutate(Level = first(Level)) %>% 
  group_by(Level) %>% 
  summarise(Name = paste(Name, collapse = " "),
            Expertise = paste(Expertise, collapse = " "),
            Type = paste(Type, collapse = " "),
            Sector = paste(Sector, collapse = " "),
            Level = paste(Level, collapse = " "))




肯定有一些更漂亮的解决方案,但这似乎有效。它也适用于 Level包含重复值。

# Remove row numbers and <NA> from Name & Location
df <- df %>%
  mutate(`Name & location` = gsub("[0-9]+:\\s+", "", `Name & location`)) %>%
  mutate(`Name & location` = gsub("<NA>", "", `Name & location`))

# Compute ranges to merge
starts <- c(which(!is.na(df$Level)), nrow(df) + 1)
ranges <- sapply(
  1:(length(starts) - 1), 
    starts[x]:(starts[x + 1] - 1)

# Merge lines based on ranges
combined_df <- lapply(
    lapply(df[x, ], function(x) gsub(" +$| NA", "", paste0(x, collapse = " ")))
) %>%

# A tibble: 4 x 6
  `Name & location`                               Expertise                                                        Type                        Sector                   Payment                       Level
  <chr>                                           <chr>                                                            <chr>                       <chr>                    <chr>                         <chr>
1 Ms. Jane Doe, NUS                               Student                                                          Higher Education Insititute Government and education payment has been received     1    
2 Andrew Saunders Phd., Municipality of Amsterdam Chief Education Officer                                          Municipal Government        Government and education Payment has not been received 5    
3 Mr. Stephen Johnson, Orange County              Spokesperson for Sustainability, Health & Wellbeing and Wellfare Municipal Government        Government and education Payment has not been received 3    
4 Mrs. Susan Andrews, Police                      Junior Research Manager Money Laundering                         National Government         Government and education Payment has not been received 4   

编辑: 我使用@Andrew的解决方案来计算新的 unique_level列并使其发挥作用。恕我直言,它比我的第一个解决方案更漂亮:


df <- df %>%
  mutate(`Name & location` = gsub("[0-9]+:\\s+", "", `Name & location`)) %>%
  mutate(`Name & location` = gsub("<NA>", "", `Name & location`)) %>%
  mutate(unique_level = ifelse(!is.na(Level), 1, NA) * 1:nrow(df)) %>%
  fill(unique_level, .direction = "down") %>%
  group_by(unique_level) %>%
  summarise_all(~ gsub(" +$| NA", "", paste(., collapse = " "))) %>%

前两个mutate调用删除行号和 <NA>来自Name & location柱子。 gsub调用summarise_all删除尾随空格和 NA将行粘贴在一起时添加。

关于R-根据其他列中的非空行合并多列中可变数量的行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58434130/


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