objective-c - iOS – Facebook SDK,解析结果

标签 objective-c ios cocoa-touch facebook-graph-api

在我的 -request:didLoad: 委托(delegate)方法中,我正在 NSLog 生成结果,但我无法弄清楚内容是什么?

看起来结果是一个 NSArray 但里面是什么?我如何解析数据?


result: (
        "fql_result_set" =         (
               uid2 = 1234567;
                uid2 = 12345678;
        name = queryID;
        "fql_result_set" =         (
                "birthday_date" = "05/12/1987";
                name = "John Doe";
                "birthday_date" = "03/01/1978";
                name = "Jane Doe";
        name = queryBirthday;


Facebook iOS 教程在“第 6 步:使用 Graph API”中说

Note that the server response will be in JSON string format. The SDK uses an open source JSON library https://github.com/stig/json-framework/ to parse the result. If a parsing error occurs, the SDK will callback request:didFailWithError: in your delegate.

A successful request will callback request:didLoad: in your delegate. The result passed to your delegate can be an NSArray, if there are multiple results, or an NSDictionary if there is only a single result.

在您的示例中,NSLog 在“()”中打印的所有内容都是 NSArray 的一部分,而“{}”中的所有内容(顺便也有键)是 NSDictionary 的一部分,因此可以通过键(名称)访问。

关于objective-c - iOS – Facebook SDK,解析结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9362546/


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