php - Paypal API : How to get Sale ID and refund payment made via PayPal?

标签 php rest paypal

我在 PHP 中使用 PayPal API 来创建交易,既可以使用信用卡,也可以通过 PayPal 本身。此外,我需要能够退还这些交易。我使用的代码主要直接来自 PayPal API 示例,适用于信用卡交易,但不适用于 PayPal 交易。具体来说,我试图深入了解 Payment 对象并提取该销售的 ID。通过信用卡进行的付款对象包含一个 RelatedResources 对象,该对象又包含带有 ID 的 Sale 对象,但通过 PayPal 进行的付款对象似乎不包含它们。所以,我的问题是,如何从通过 PayPal 进行的付款中检索销售 ID?


    $creditCardToken = new CreditCardToken();

// ### FundingInstrument
// A resource representing a Payer's funding instrument.
// For stored credit card payments, set the CreditCardToken
// field on this object.
$fi = new FundingInstrument();

// ### Payer
// A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment
// For stored credit card payments, set payment method
// to 'credit_card'.
$payer = new Payer();

// ### Amount
// Lets you specify a payment amount.
// You can also specify additional details
// such as shipping, tax.
$amount = new Amount();

// ### Transaction
// A transaction defines the contract of a
// payment - what is the payment for and who
// is fulfilling it. 
$transaction = new Transaction();
    ->setDescription("Payment description");

// ### Payment
// A Payment Resource; create one using
// the above types and intent set to 'sale'
$payment = new Payment();

// ###Create Payment
// Create a payment by calling the 'create' method
// passing it a valid apiContext.
// (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`)
// The return object contains the state.
try {
} catch (PayPal\Exception\PPConnectionException $ex) {
    error_log(print_r($ex->getData(), true));

相比之下,这是我使用 PayPal 付款的方式。这是一个两步过程。首先,用户被定向到 PayPal 的网站,然后,当他们返回我的网站时,付款已处理。

第 1 部分:

$payer = new Payer();

$amount = new Amount();

$transaction = new Transaction();
    ->setDescription("Payment description");

// ### Redirect urls
// Set the urls that the buyer must be redirected to after 
// payment approval/ cancellation.
$baseUrl = '';
$redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();

$payment = new Payment();

try {
} catch (PayPal\Exception\PPConnectionException $ex) {
    error_log(print_r($ex->getData(), true));

// ### Get redirect url
// The API response provides the url that you must redirect
// the buyer to. Retrieve the url from the $payment->getLinks()
// method
foreach($payment->getLinks() as $link) {
    if($link->getRel() == 'approval_url') {
        $redirectUrl = $link->getHref();

// ### Redirect buyer to PayPal website
// Save payment id so that you can 'complete' the payment
// once the buyer approves the payment and is redirected
// bacl to your website.
// It is not really a great idea to store the payment id
// in the session. In a real world app, you may want to 
// store the payment id in a database.
$_SESSION['paymentId'] = $payment->getId();

if(isset($redirectUrl)) {
    $response->redirectUrl = $redirectUrl;
return $response;

这是第 2 部分,当用户通过“成功”消息重定向到我的站点时:

$payment = Payment::get($lineitem->paypal_payment_ID, $apiContext);

// PaymentExecution object includes information necessary 
// to execute a PayPal account payment. 
// The payer_id is added to the request query parameters
// when the user is redirected from paypal back to your site
$execution = new PaymentExecution();

//Execute the payment
// (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`)
$payment->execute($execution, $apiContext);

下面是我对交易进行退款的方式。 API 中的示例没有讨论如何检索销售 ID,因此我深入研究了这些对象。通过 PayPal 进行的付款没有 RelatedResources 对象,因此失败:

    try {
    $payment = Payment::get('PAY-8TB50937RV8840649KI6N33Y', $apiContext);
    $transactions = $payment->getTransactions();
    $resources = $transactions[0]->getRelatedResources();//This DOESN'T work for PayPal transactions.

    $sale = $resources[0]->getSale();
    $saleID = $sale->getId();

    // ### Refund amount
    // Includes both the refunded amount (to Payer) 
    // and refunded fee (to Payee). Use the $amt->details
    // field to mention fees refund details.
    $amt = new Amount();

    // ### Refund object
    $refund = new Refund();

    // ###Sale
    // A sale transaction.
    // Create a Sale object with the
    // given sale transaction id.
    $sale = new Sale();
    try {   
        // Refund the sale
        // (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`)
        $sale->refund($refund, $apiContext);
    } catch (PayPal\Exception\PPConnectionException $ex) {
        error_log(print_r($ex->getData(), true));
} catch (PayPal\Exception\PPConnectionException $ex) {
    error_log(print_r($ex->getData(), true));

关于如何检索销售 ID 的任何想法?谢谢!



$apiContext = new ApiContext(new OAuthTokenCredential(
            "<CLIENT_ID>", "<CLIENT_SECRET>")
    $payments = Payment::get("PAY-44674747470TKNYKRLI", $apiContext);
    $obj = $payments->toJSON();//I wanted to look into the object
    $paypal_obj = json_decode($obj);//I wanted to look into the object
    $transaction_id = $paypal_obj->transactions[0]->related_resources[0]->sale->id;
    $this->refund($transaction_id);//Call your custom refund method


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