ios - WatchKit 错误 - 无法找到接口(interface) Controller 类

标签 ios watchkit

the app was working fine, I was doing some adjustment and suddenly it stopped loading. 
I launch the simulator and the storyboard doesn't start.
I get this error:

WatchKit error - unable to find interface controller class 
2016-01-18 11:56:30.019 ABWatch Extension[13593:122454] WatchKit error - unable to find interface controller class '_TtC17ABWatch_Extension23HomeInterfaceController' to instantiate
2016-01-18 11:56:30.027 ABWatch Extension[13593:122426] *********** ERROR -[SPRemoteInterface _interfaceControllerClientIDForControllerID:] clientIdentifier for interfaceControllerID:35160002 not found


请检查 WatchKit App 中的 Initial View Controller。
确保您为界面 View Controller 使用正确的标识符。

enter image description here



我只是将 pushController 替换为 presentController。
如果您正在使用self.pushControllerWithName("EnterPin", context: nil)然后替换为

self.presentControllerWithName("EnterPin", context: nil)

我正在使用代码来呈现 View Controller 。
    @IBAction func pushToEnterPinController() {

         self.presentControllerWithName("EnterPin", context: nil)


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