ios - 特定应用内购买的年龄限制更高?

标签 ios in-app-purchase appstore-approval

我刚刚向 App Store 提交了一个应用程序。现在我想添加一些应用内购买。是否可以为评级为 4+ 的应用添加 18+ 受限应用内购买?


正如 App Store 审查指南所说:

2.3.6 Answer the age rating questions in iTunes Connect honestly so that your app aligns properly with parental controls. If your app is mis-rated, customers might be surprised by what they get, or it could trigger an inquiry from government regulators.

如果您的应用在任何特殊情况下显示年龄超过 18 岁的内容,则应用商店年龄分级应为 18 岁以上。

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