ios - 使用 DJI UXSDKDemo (iOS) 记录数据的最佳方法

标签 ios objective-c dji-sdk


EXTERN_KEY NSString *const DJIFlightControllerParamIMUState;
EXTERN_KEY NSString *const DJIFlightControllerParamIMUsCount;

EXTERN_KEY NSString *const DJIFlightControllerParamIMUStateGyroscopeState;
EXTERN_KEY NSString *const DJIFlightControllerParamIMUAccelerometerState;
EXTERN_KEY NSString *const DJIFlightControllerParamIMUStateCalibrationProgress;
EXTERN_KEY NSString *const DJIFlightControllerParamIMUStateCalibrationState;

 @class DJIFlightHubManager;

 *  Delegate to receive updated states related to DJI FlightHub.
@protocol DJIFlightHubManagerDelegate <NSObject>

 *  Updates states for the uploading progress of flight data.
 *  @param flightHubManager The FlightHub Manager updates the state.
 *  @param state The updated state. When it is `DJIFlightHubUploadStateRejectedByServer`, refer to error for more detail.
 *  @param error The returned error when the upload request is rejected by the server. Use the error to check the reason.
- (void)flightHubManager:(DJIFlightHubManager *)flightHubManager didUpdateUploadState:(DJIFlightHubUploadState)state error:(nullable NSError *)error;



在这种情况下,DJIFlighthubManager 将不相关 - 它对应于我们的 FlightHub device


DJIFlightControllerKey *exampleKey = [DJIFlightControllerKey keyWithParam:DJIFlightControllerParamIMUState];

// Will get called once to get current value of the key
[[DJISDKManager keyManager] getValueForKey:exampleKey withCompletion:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) {


// Called only when the value for the key changes
[[DJISDKManager keyManager] startListeningForChangesOnKey:exampleKey withListener:self andUpdateBlock:^(DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable oldValue, DJIKeyedValue * _Nullable newValue) {



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